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[Request] mod making Greater Lay on Hands/Hands of Light as an ability upgraded from Lay on Hands

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I've always felt that those abilities should become being upgraded from Lay on Hands, because those perfectly contain the Lay on Hands's effects in addition to additional effect(s). 

I guess reason the abilities are independently implemented instead of being upgraded from is because the additional effect, Robust or Courageous, is too strong to be PL 3 ability with 1 cost of Zeal.


Anyway, is it possible to make the abilities as I've mentioned, with correct PL bonus (it should follow Lay on Hands) and lowering the Inspiration effect by 1 (so those will be replaced with Hardy/Resolute respectively)? There are several variant of Lay on hands according to subclasses, so each of them would needs to be modified too.


Thanks in advance!

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This should cover everything!

Download: Lay on Hands Tweak.zip

  • Picking Upgrades will remove Lay on Hands
  • Upgrades set to PL 1
  • Upgrades cost 1 Zeal
  • Upgrades now grant Tier 2 Insiprations instead of Tier 3 (with updated english descriptions)
  • Covers all variations (Darcozzi/Shieldbearer)
  • Implemented with BaseProgressionTableAppendGameData, so will not conflict with other mods' edits to progression tables!
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21 hours ago, Noqn said:

This should cover everything!

Download: Lay on Hands Tweak.zip

  • Picking Upgrades will remove Lay on Hands
  • Upgrades set to PL 1
  • Upgrades cost 1 Zeal
  • Upgrades now grant Tier 2 Insiprations instead of Tier 3 (with updated english descriptions)
  • Covers all variations (Darcozzi/Shieldbearer)
  • Implemented with BaseProgressionTableAppendGameData, so will not conflict with other mods' edits to progression tables!

Thank you very much!!! I really want to learn making mod myself, but it seems quite hard for me, sadly. 

I'm trying to learn it by extracting the other mods such as Balance Polishing Mod and Community Patch Mod and I can change several values form the mod now, however, the things like adding something new or changing overall effects are barely possible for now. 😭


I have to look into the mod what you've attached for deeper study. Thank you again!


EDIT: I found a small bug that the description doesn't show "Upgraded From". My char doesn't reach enough level to get the upgraded version yet; I hope it would be a typo. 😅

Edited by Hoo
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6 hours ago, Hoo said:

Thank you very much!!! I really want to learn making mod myself, but it seems quite hard for me, sadly. 

I'm trying to learn it by extracting the other mods such as Balance Polishing Mod and Community Patch Mod and I can change several values form the mod now, however, the things like adding something new or changing overall effects are barely possible for now. 😭

Honestly I can relate so much, Deadfire modding is rough getting into... 😥

6 hours ago, Hoo said:

EDIT: I found a small bug that the description doesn't show "Upgraded From". My char doesn't reach enough level to get the upgraded version yet; I hope it would be a typo. 😅

Ooh I didn't realize that, perceptive. I think I know the reason why...

Basically, the Greater Lay on Hands/Hands of Light "unlockables" that you see in the tree are still the same as vanilla and won't actually replace Lay on Hands... but when you pick them, a corresponding hidden unlockable (which I added with BaseProgressionTableAppendGameData) will now have its conditional fulfilled and be auto-granted to the character. This unlockable doesn't add any new abilities, instead it removes the Lay on Hands variant the upgrade relates to. This way I didn't have to edit the Paladin Table directly, which is much preferable for compatability reasons among other things 😀

The downside of using BaseProgressionTableAppend is that you can't edit the unlockables already present by the original Table, but in this case it worked out!

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Thank you for explaining in detail!


Could I ask two things about your mod?

First, I found a way to put "Upgraded From" into each Greater Lay on hands/Hands of Light variant by adding code in each Components of abilities.gamedatabundle, like:

          "$type": "Game.GameData.GenericAbilityComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
          "UpgradedFromID": "48055de2-1e87-4452-8478-490e81839b80"


I just copied and pasted the code from the bug fix of Mule Kick in Community Patch Basic and modified the "UpgradedFromID" accordingly. It seems working fine, at least on the description, but I'm not sure whether there is any side effect/malfunction or not.


Second, in the file named statuseffects.gamedatabundle of the attached mod, it contains all of Hands of Light variant, but has one Greater Lay on Hands thing. What's the difference between those, and Why is this working correctly even though Greater Lay on Hands for Darcozzi Paladini/Shield Bearers are not included in here?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Hoo
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On 10/3/2021 at 4:22 PM, Hoo said:

Second, in the file named statuseffects.gamedatabundle of the attached mod, it contains all of Hands of Light variant, but has one Greater Lay on Hands thing. What's the difference between those, and Why is this working correctly even though Greater Lay on Hands for Darcozzi Paladini/Shield Bearers are not included in here?

All Grater Lay on Hands variants shared Greater_Lay_On_Hands_SE_Robust so it was enought to edit that, but Hands of Light all had their own variation of Hands_of_Light_SE_Courageous so I had to edit all of them.

On 10/3/2021 at 4:22 PM, Hoo said:

First, I found a way to put "Upgraded From" into each Greater Lay on hands/Hands of Light variant by adding code in each Components of abilities.gamedatabundle, like:

Oh ****, I didn't know about that parameter. I got curious and looked at the decompiled source code and it seems that it causes the upgrade to use its base ability's PL in combat calculations, which is incredibly useful!

In that case it might be best to remove the "AbilityLevel: 1" lines from abilities.gamedatabundle and utilize UpgradedFromID instead...

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On 10/3/2021 at 9:04 PM, Noqn said:

Basically, the Greater Lay on Hands/Hands of Light "unlockables" that you see in the tree are still the same as vanilla and won't actually replace Lay on Hands... but when you pick them, a corresponding hidden unlockable (which I added with BaseProgressionTableAppendGameData) will now have its conditional fulfilled and be auto-granted to the character. This unlockable doesn't add any new abilities, instead it removes the Lay on Hands variant the upgrade relates to. This way I didn't have to edit the Paladin Table directly, which is much preferable for compatability reasons among other things 😀

Holy crap, you can use append to remove abilities? That's amazing for modularity, will be hella useful if ever I want to swap out abilities in the future.

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