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an inchworm, they inch along the dirt and sometimes crawls up plants. they drop: inchworm skin and inchworm head.

maggots, you can take pick them up and grow them into flies which you can ride with a saddle, but it needs to be fed or else you can't fly on it,

earthworms, you can find their holes where you can find cool things and an earthworm or two.

earwigs, i don't have many ideas, but they can drop: earwig legs that you can cook and eat and earwig parts.

BONUS! an antman figure in an ant hill as an easter egg.



Hmm well since the are part of the same company how about the Antigonizer. Omnitech already sounds like they would try to stuff 1 million shrunken humans with 5 cats in a vault together

If you see light at the end of the tunnel get out of the road!

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