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Deadfire supports Ironman mode, but what I mean is different. If I run into an enemy that's too strong for me, I want to be able to flee, possibly leaving some downed companions on the battlefield. The biggest problem is that if the unconscious companions are close to the enemy, they won't get up but they won't die either, so the game won't go out of the combat mode.

So I want a permadeath basically, where some or all companions die, but I am able to run away, and start to rebuild my party (with other NPCs, sidekicks, hired mercenaries, whatever).

Berath challenge looked like a solution, because in it the unconscious companions die after 10 seconds, but the other rule (Cannot flee from combat) ruins it. Even after the companion is dead and the rest of the party is out of sight of the enemy, the game is still in combat mode. This forces you to either return to the battle and somehow win it, or reload.

Is there some other way to achieve this? Some spell that can kill a companion permanently, thus ending the combat mode? Maybe a mod? Or console command?


You can use the pet named "Grog" - it instakills any party member on knockout. It also removes engagement from the game though. Maybe that's something you don't want.

While the Critter Cleaver can separate the pet skills from the appearance it cannot split the single skills - else it would be optimal to separate the engamement immunity from the instakill.

But I'm sure that somebody can do a mini-mod that adds Grog's insta-kill-effect to the game as a general rule or creates an item (pet, ring, trinket or whatever) which has the Grog's instakill effect.


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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

1 hour ago, Boeroer said:

You can use the pet named "Grog" - it instakills any party member on knockout. It also removes engagement from the game though.

Thanks, Boeroer. This is very close. I can live without the engagement mechanic. I will find out how to get Grog from the console at the start of the game.

1 hour ago, Boeroer said:


<open console>
<reopen console>
giveitem ITEM_PET_BACKER_Troll_Grog


You made it extremely easy for me :) Thank you very much. I tested the Grog pet now and it works as I want it. Poor Eder had to die in the Sea Cave in order to prove the concept, but the main char escaped to the beach.

Now that I thought about it some more, the removal of the engagement mechanic is a good thing for this case. I will probably have enough trouble running away from chasing enemies. Engagement will cause me to suffer heavier losses than without it.

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