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Constant crashing



Hello there.

This will be a very long post, so bare with me.

Recently (28th of January) i bought Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire - Obsidian Edition via gog.com. After the game installed i decided to play it the next day (29th of January).

During one hour of playtime i had 4 crashes:

Crash no.1: As soon as i started playing the game (right after your character needs to go out and face the pirates). A report of the crash was generated.

Crash no.2: Entering Kraken's Eye (tavern in Port Maje) via southern entrance. A report of the crash was not generated, i immediately ended up looking at my desktop.

Crash no.3: Exiting Kraken's Eye, again via southern entrance. A report of the crash was generated.

Crash no.4: Exiting Port Maje jail. A report of the crash was generated.

In conclusion, the crashes are happening when i'm changing zones, either exiting or entering. 

Later the same day i verified/repaired the game using the galaxy client but sadly the situation did not improve. It resulted again with the crash, even faster than before. i was immediately kicked from the game, with another crash report being generated. this time i was exiting Rinco's place.

After I've send a ticket to gog.com support, i received a mail where i was instructed to do a clean reinstall of my graphics card drivers, install/repair Visual C++ Redistributable Packages, run the game as administrator, add exception to the firewall and perform a clean install of them game.

In short, after applying most of the solutions i have mentioned before and playing a short, 1 hour long session, i haven't encountered any crashes whatsoever. Speaking more in detail:

1) I performed a clean install of drivers for my graphics device.

2) I have reinstalled (repaired) all Visual C++ Redistributable Packages. I did not have 2015 (x64) version installed, but i had 2017 (x64) one. Therefore i deleted the 2017 one and installed 2015 one.

3) I did not reinstall the game and i already had "Run as Administrator" option enabled.

4) I added Galaxy client as exception to the firewall.

5) As far as the antiviruses go, i don't have one installed. I even deactivated Microsoft Defender.

6) When i launched the game, i set graphics options to low, proceeded to load my last save and continued where i stopped last time.

In one hour play time nothing out of the ordinary appeared. I even visited locations where i experienced crashes multiple times.

Sadly, the situation did not remain as i have hoped. 

It appears the game after reaching Neketaka (main hub area) refuses to act normally, more specifically acts like it used to (in a bad way). While i had some success exploring random island (visited two of them while on my way to Neketaka), the game did crash once, but crash report was not generated. The crash did not occur while i was changing zones, it happened while i was going through the inventory section. Upon reaching Neketaka (main hub area) i started to encounter crashes on a regular basis. At that time i was playing with graphics settings set to high. With every consecutive crash i was lowering graphics settings from high to normal and finally to low, but the end result was the same. Once again, the crashes are occurring while changing zones. The only thing that i could do was to uninstall the game and then install it again which i performed on 1st of January (yesterday).

Playing the game today (2nd of January) after reinstalling it did not change anything. Fact being, as far as i'm concerned, it is worse than before. First attempt at playing the game resulted in a crash, whereby crash report was not generated. But fear not, because the 2nd crash did result in crash report being generated. Again, the crash occurred after changing areas.

I should point out the game behaves in the strange way when i'm staring it up. More specifically, right after all the logos go away, there is a period of time where music (main theme) starts. However, at a specific point the music stops and then after 10ish second it resumes to play, which then result is main menu being loaded. This might mean something, what exactly i cannot say. I feel the game is maybe struggling to load, and that same struggle transits when i'm playing it.

I will upload the latest crash and dxdiag. If someone requires older crash reports, i have those as well.

If anyone can help me with this problem of mine it would be amazing. I really want to play this game and i will try various fixes but my patience with the game has its limits. If nothing can be achieved, i will petition gog.com for their money back guarantee service.


a sad gamer.



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Hello Master_Kenobi,


I'm sorry for the experience you've had with Deadfire so far.  I would love to have a few of the crash folders you've obtained during your playthrough that we can examine to see if there is anything in particular causing this or if it is multiple issues.  The files should contain the crash.dmp, error.log, and the output_log.txt file.  If needed, you can find instructions on how to obtain all of those here.  If you could send the files to me at support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread as a reference, I would greatly appreciate it so we can investigate this as soon as possible for you.


Thank you and sorry for the massive inconvenience this has been.

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Greetings SChin.

I'm happy to see my post has generated attention of the development team, which was, in my opinion, the main goal of this post. I'm sending all my crash reports as you have requested via the suggested email. Hopefully you can find solution to my problem and possibly similar problems of this type. 

Thank you for your time.

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