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So, single-class wizard (no sub) has been my favorite class. I played my last run when Beast of winter came out (didnt play 2nd and 3rd dlc yet), so i didnt try Bloodmage yet.

I'm wondering if i play Bloodmage or a no-sub again in my Turn-based run. I have always played my wizard as a glass-canon caster with max dex, per and high might. I like the fact you have more control over recharging the spells you want whenever. How bad is the HP loss from blood sacrifice? Whats your views on how turn-based will affect this playstyle? Appreaciate any advice. Thanks.

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The current turn based mechanics make blood mage a great pick - it is essentially a few action, and you can heal right after in the same turn. As you can see action order, it is also much easier to assess risk exposure as well. IMHO, blood mage is better in turn based mode than in rtwp.


However, my bet is that those mechanics are going to get overhauled quite a bit in the near future.


(that being said, my turn based game kept crashing so I gave up relatively early to await a future patch)

Edited by certainkindoffool
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The current 1 action per turn is impossible to balance around given the real time basis. They need a system closer to FF10 or Heroes of Might & Magic V (as examples) where there is no "global turn", each character act one after each other and recover more or less quickly for next action.

Edited by Elric Galad
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