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Forgotten Sanctum does not trigger



I don't have a tidal wave event whatever I do. The DLC doesn't launch. I had a mesage that it will trigger if I have sufficient level, but I'm 19 level and nothing. I started playing the game in December 2018, because I waited for it to be ironed out, but there are still a few bugs bugs there that I encountered. :/ Please help, because the Forgotten Sanctum DLC bug is major! I don't have any mission regarding the Forgotten Sanctum in the mission list.


I will send the files by mail.

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Same issue occurring for me.  I bought/installed both Seeker, Slayer, Survivor and Forgotten Sanctum at the same time, but while I got a trigger for SSS within a short time after finishing Ashen Maw, nothing I do seems to trigger the FS event chain to start (I haven't even got the message that some are referencing about an 'earthquake' or something like that).  I have tested on both a game that was pre Ashen Maw (and got the SSS event chain to start after I completed it) and a pre-endgame save that had already finished the Ashen Maw quest; neither started.


Not sure if this has to do with adding these DLCs simultaneously or what, but it's definitely a bug and not just not understanding how to trigger the quest chain.  Any help appreciated as right now the DLC is effectively 'off' for me.

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Hey everyone,


I'm sorry you are running into these issues with starting the Forgotten Sanctum DLC.  Would you both be able to send me a copy of your save files to support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread so that we can take a look at what might be going on in your playthroughs?  If needed, you can find instructions on where to find those saves here.


Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.

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I just made this account for the sole purpose to post in this thread; I can't seem to trigger the F.S. events either. SSS immediately started for me once I returned to Nekataka after completing the Ashen Maw quest, but so far been sailing around trying to naturally trigger F.S. events and coming up empty. Really bummed, was looking forward to this one.

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Hey everyone,


I'm sorry you are running into these issues with starting the Forgotten Sanctum DLC.  Would you both be able to send me a copy of your save files to support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread so that we can take a look at what might be going on in your playthroughs?  If needed, you can find instructions on where to find those saves here.


Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.


It's been a few days and still no reply in any threads I've seen or posted in about this, I went ahead and did this as suggested.... 

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Hello Missvern,


I'm assuming I replied to you via email already, but just in case I haven't, I'll post the response here in case other folks need it as well.


A Scripted Interaction about a huge wave coming towards the ship should have had a crew member mention that the wave came from the direction of the Black Isles south of Tikawara. At that point the DLC unlocks but doesn't start a quest. Once you go into the Halls of the Unseen, you'll see a new staircase in the center going down to the Temple of Revelations. Once you go down the staircase the DLC content and quest will begin.


I hope this helps but if not, please let me know!


Thanks and sorry for the confusion the intro to the DLC has caused.

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