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Bugs in Patch v4.0.1 Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support



Dear Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support Team,


I have experienced three bugs during my second playthrough of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire: 






Pallegia leaves my party with "aggression against the vailian republics" when I side with the Principi sen Patrena or any other non-Valian Trading Company faction since Patch 4.0.1.


I believe this bug has been reported by others as referenced here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/560130/discussions/0/3315110799614525007/?l=norwegian & https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/107191-pallegina-left-party-to-stand-in-the-ocean/.






The Guardian of Ukaizo does not appear in The City Lost to Time since Patch 4.0.1.






I still do not get the Crookspur and Splintered Reef Ending Slides that corresponds to my decisions during my second playthrough of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire since Patch 4.0.1: 



Slavers still active, Menzzago is alive and promised slaves will be delivered to Splintered Reef regularly, Royal Deadfire Company does not control Ukaizo - Crookspur remains a slaver stronghold, and one whose dark legend only grows.

For every so often, a slave ship bears its unfortunate cargo away to a little-trafficked corner of the archipelago where fampyrs and guls are rumored to feast on kith flesh.

Such ships return empty, their crew and captains visibly shaken.





Menzzago alive, a deal was made to provide the undead with luminous adra, Royal Deadfire Company does not control Ukaizo - Sated by luminous adra and left in peace, Menzzago and his guls grow powerful.

Though their hunger for kith wanes, passing ships give Splintered Reef a wide berth.


---> Instead, I get these endings:



Slavers still active, Royal Deadfire Company does not control Ukaizo - To the misfortune of many, a group of slavers remains entrenched on Crookspur. While they profit off the misery of kith, no one is able to stop them.


I believe I referenced this bug in an earlier post, https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103355-bugs-i-have-experienced-attributes-the-final-maneuver-crookspur-ending-a-paradise-of-the-mindnemnok-the-devourerthe-lost-grimoires/?do=findComment&comment=2068173.

The other bugs mentioned in this post were all fixed. Thank you Obsidian. 


The Splintered Reef Ending Slide does not appear since Patch 4.0.1.




Another issue I experienced with A Paradise of The Mind is I am now unable to offer Menzzago a regular supply of Adra. I am only given the options to (a) poison Menzzaggo with a bluff check (b) offer Menzzago a regular supply of slaves since Patch 4.0.1.


I do not think I will play A Paradise of The Mind until this bug is fixed.




I am having trouble trying to include the save file. How do I do this? 




I hope Obsidian is able to fix these bugs so I can finish my second playthrough of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. 


I am very sorry for any inconvenience this causes the Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support Team.


Many thanks and kind regards,


Bernard White.


P.S. My name is a reference to Benny from Fallout New Vegas. 


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Hello Bernard,


Thank you for reporting all of these issues!(It's a big help!)  The saves you have will be very useful :)  If needed, you can find instructions on where the saves are located here.  If the saves are too big for the forums, feel free to send it to me at support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread as a reference.


Thank you Bernard, and sorry for the inconvenience these bugs have been causing.

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