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Crash to desktop after loading new area(s)



Hi team Obsidian,


I'm immensly enjoying PoE 2 so far, thank's for making this! :) The experience is a bit diminished, unfortunately, by recurring crashes upon loading a new area. ;(


When loading a new area sometimes the game crashes to desktop AFTER having loaded the new area (or at least after having created the new autosave file). After the loadscreen the screen goes black except for the cursor (music still runs), then after a few secondes a) most of the time I get to see the new area b) sometime the CtD occurs. I've had about 20 crashes during 28 hrs of play so far. After restarting the game I can load the new autosave without problems.


(The same behaviour - screen black, only cursor, music undisturbed - I see at every start of the game after the Obsidian and Vs Evil logos, btw. Only without the CtDs. After ca. 15 seconds the normal menu becomes visible. Is that as intended?)


I tried upgrading my gfx drivers. That made it worse (crashes to desktop during play without apparent trigger or error message), therefore I rolled it back.



I've send you the crash report folders + dxdiag by mail to support@obsidian.net.




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Hello Thoux,


I'm sorry you keep getting these crashes when you transition into different scenes.  I put a report together with the information you emailed us and sent it to the Programming team for an investigation.  As they come up with information regarding this issue, I'll update you to keep you appraised of the situation.  If you discover anything else about these crashes, please continue to post about it here, as I will be linking this thread to the bug report so the team can use it as a reference.


Thank you Thoux, and sorry for the inconvenience these crashes are causing.

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