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Missing DLC bug



I'm having issues loading my most recent saved games. I get the Missing DLC error on load page. Also, the "In-App Purchases" section is either grayed out or inaccessible depending on when the screen is showing.


Not sure if it's related, but I had a weird error I've never had right before I closed the game. I was leaving the Poko Kkohara ruins and got an issue saying something like "The map could not be loaded" and then it kicked me out to the main load screen. But I was able to load my game right back up and continue playing with no problems.


I've attached a few screenshots showing the issue.





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3 answers to this question

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Hello Maaront,


I'm sorry you are getting this Missing DLC error.  We had an issue with the MacPlay version that had LAXF(Mega Bosses) content added to the game, but MacPlay not actually recognizing it.  This shouldn't have affected people who only used MacPlay and as far as we have seen this only affected users who used their saves from somewhere else and imported them as they would then have the LAXF content in them.  We have a fix for this issue just about ready to go in the coming week.


If you could do me a favor so we can be sure this is the DLC that is giving you the error, would you hover your mouse over the "Missing DLC" button?  It should show a tooltip of which DLC is missing to confirm this.


Thank you Maaront, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you.

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Gotcha. FWIW I've only used MacPlay myself and didn't import any saved files from anywhere else.


I've gone ahead and attached the screenshot of the tooltip (it says LAXF). Are there any other steps I can be taking to resolve this? Or does this mean I'm waiting until you all release an update?


Thanks for the help!




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Hello Maaront,


It seems like this is the kind of bug that is going to need the update to be able to resolve the issue.  The patch is still on schedule for Thursday assuming nothing goes wrong with the Beta Patch branch, but then it will need to go through Apple for approval which can take a couple of days extra as well, so I'm hoping Apple can get it up for this coming weekend.  I'm sorry for this long fix, but hopefully you wont have any other issues after that.  Please let me know your status after the patch goes in for you.


Thank you and sorry again for the inconvenience this is causing.

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