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[Bug] 3.0 Unique item drops with no enchanments



This is with a new game started under the 3.0 patch.  For the second time now I've just received a unique item which has all of the description, but no actual enchantments/abilities.


The first time was after defeating Ezzali Bardatto.  I received the Deltro's Cage Armor and Bardatto's Luxury, but of which were essentially worthless.  They weren't enchanted and their sell value was greatly reduced (the armor was valued at 40 and the mace at 9).  At the time I figured it might be some attempt to prevent players from completing the quest one way and then killing off the family.  I was miffed, but figured OK, whatever.


Just now however I defeated Beina and received the Nomad's Brigadine which is in the same state.  No actual enchantments and minimal assigned value.


I have no idea what is going on here since it appears to be somewhat random (I've done other encounters in between and received the expected rewards, in good shape).  Happy to provide a save game and/or screenshots of the affected items.

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