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Development of Deadfire modding

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I'm a fan of Skyrim, known for his very large modding community (even if 95% Skyrim mods is garbage, the last 5% is brilliant). Becose mods can change game entirely - new mechanics, new areas and so on.

So i'm tryin' to understand what instruments Deadfire can suggest to modders...

As fo now, i see 4 types of mods:
1. Mods, which repairing Obsidian mistakes (like "Deck of Many Strings", translation mods and so on).
2. Items mods, which adding some new weapon and gears to the merchants. It maybe fun sometimes, but almost of this mods breaks itemization balance of the game - you buy weapon from the mod with very good stats and stick to it till end of the game. That's not good (and this is the very pain of 95% Skyrim items mods - they just too powerful) - becose you can just buy/craft it at anytime.
3. Rebalancing mods (tweakin' some stats, abilities and so on) - looks like cheating to me, becose they break intended game rules (with rare exeptions of paragraph 1).
4. ...that's all. Nothing interesting. And no ways to develop.

So, we can upload thousans of items, tweaks etc., but nothing solid, nothing special, nothing allowing to feel the game in different wave.

I know, it's imbossible to create new maps, becose of engine. Ok. But give to us abilities to create new charachers, new quests, new scripted book-looking interactions - something which can infuse new content in the game. Even if some single modded sword cannot just buyed or recovered somewhere in the pile of garbage -- but earned trough the interesting quest can make a very difference to the whole game!

Well, i'm done)

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