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Issues with reloading savepoints



Hello everyone


It's kinda sad if nobody from Obsidian takes the time to reply a simple e-mail. I'm waiting more than two months already. It's a nice game but if you guys show same poor attitude like all other greedy studios such as EA or Vivendi, I'm afraid that crowd funding and people's trust are soon over too.


However, I will try to approach this forum instead and I'm looking forward for solutions in the "near future".


Aside from a few game crashings (returning to Windows after changing maps) and few minor issues, I'm losing patience if your save points are giving troubles every day.


1. Saving your game

If you are playing a certain time, I realized that manual saving doesn't work anymore. Buttons do work but nothing else happening.


2. Reloading your save point

If you reload the same save point several times (more than twice) the screen is sometimes filled with daily wages on the right side of your screen and guess what... those wages were all charged to you at once. I'm seriously pissed because I did not realize this problem the first time and continued playing just to miss a huge amount of money afterwards (approx. 20k)


I encountered both issues several times already. Anyone else faced the same or similiar issues by any chance?


Kind regards

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Hello Kyro,


I'm sorry you have had trouble with the support channels.  Did you email us at support@obsidian.net?  I'm wondering if something went wrong with the process as I am the person who responds to the emails for bug reports and issues, and I go through them all pretty much every other day.  I'm looking at the only three emails I have left to respond to, all from today, and am not seeing any emails related to saves.  I do apologize that something went wrong and hope that it doesn't happen again.


In regards to the save issues, you mention there are certain times that manual saves are not working.  Do you know what those times are or are they seemingly random?  The Daily Wage bug should have been fixed in the latest patch from this Tuesday.  If your game is showing version and is still having this issue, please let me know and I will have the team look into it again.  If you are able to get this to reproduce, would you be able to send me a copy of the affected save file to me at support@obsidian.net?


If you do send me a save to that address, please message here saying you did so as I will turn on notifications for this thread and be pinged for it.  I want to make sure the email actually gets to me this time.


Thank you for your patience and for working so hard to inform me about this, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience these bugs have caused.

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