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Performance issues after every battle (summoning?



The game has severe performance issues after every battle.  Noticeable effects include stuttering screens, door/exit icons dissapearing, and load screens freezing.  This appears to be an effect of my current party build, as I have 2 chanters spamming summons and a ghostheart hunter also doing some summoning.  I have a pretty capable rig -- sorry don't want to go into detail on my specs.  Is there any solution for this?

2 answers to this question

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Hello Powerguy,


Sorry about the performance issues you've been having.  We are aware that some users with high end machines have been having some performance issues and that many of the work-arounds revolve around tuning graphical settings down.  This is currently our number one issue that the QA and Programming teams have been working on to get these users either running the game or running it better.  In the meantime I would try lowering some of these settings.  The most common help is lowering the MSAA down to 1.


Have you been having this issue during your entire playthrough or mostly when you have two summoners in combat?  Also, would you be able to send us a copy of your save file?  I want to check to see if there is anything else going on, that we may be unaware of.  If needed, you can find instructions for finding your save files here.  You can either provide a link to your files via Dropbox or you may attach them to an email for us at support@obsidian.net. If you do email us, please link this post and mention your forum username so that we may identify you easily.  If you could could also let us know your system specifications that would be a great help, but it is not required.


Thanks Powerguy, and sorry again for the inconvenience this is causing.

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Thanks for the reply.  I had a play-through without summons a while ago that didn't have these issues.  Lowering my graphics options did not resolve the issue.  I sent an email with the requested files; hope you guys have luck resolving this.

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