Kexby Posted August 8, 2018 Posted August 8, 2018 (edited) This is a companion mod to my 'Avoid Ship Combat' mod. I'm trying to remove all ship micro-management, so you can just ignore the need for ship supplies. I've managed to stop the crew dying or becoming mutinous if the ship runs out of resources. But now I'm stuck, I want to stop the ship and crew consuming ANY resources. I especially want to stop paying the crew wages. So I thought I'd start with that one first. I've found the Crew_Event_Wages entry in worldmap.gamedatabundle and I was hoping I could just edit out the script (like Peardox did for his 'Plain Sailing' mod). "ScriptedInteraction": { "GuidString": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, But sadly, that hasn't worked, the crew's wages are still being deducted. Does anybody have any ideas? How can I stop this event? This is the code I have so far if anybody is interested: { "GameDataObjects": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.GlobalShipSettingsGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "GlobalShipSettings", "ID": "68f6ef6b-b32c-401b-838f-ba4b20ce623d", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.GlobalShipSettingsComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "HungerSurvivalTable": [{ "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 }, { "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 }, { "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 } ], "ThirstSurvivalTable": [{ "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 }, { "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 }, { "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 } ], "BaseRepairUnitHeal": 0, "BaseRepairUnitUseRate": 0, "CrewTraitUnlockRequirements": [{ "SailorTales": 0 }, { "SailorTales": 5 }, { "SailorTales": 10 }, { "SailorTales": 15 }, { "SailorTales": 25 }, { "SailorTales": 50 } ], "SlotPlaceholderItems": [{ "Slot": "Hull", "UpgradeID": "f6169592-78dd-40e5-a517-21338be17833" }, { "Slot": "Sails", "UpgradeID": "c3a0f719-18bd-4f6c-8ee6-83aaecb6d940" }, { "Slot": "Wheel", "UpgradeID": "550cb266-9b66-4874-8a30-f464442a9bc4" }, { "Slot": "Lantern", "UpgradeID": "638eebaf-8d62-4239-8088-e85c9e40db08" }, { "Slot": "Anchors", "UpgradeID": "d215c402-16d3-4359-af64-739c1e9b8b56" } ], "MedicalSuppliesPerInjuryDay": 0, "MoraleGlossaryEntryID": "7e972ad8-026e-40bb-9f5b-84ff74856939", "FoodGlossaryEntryID": "6676877a-1392-4ead-b1be-05f8400d517f", "DrinkGlossaryEntryID": "cb7f2b65-d4a7-488d-b8b4-ede1cf7ed781", "ShipDuelMoraleFleeInferior": 0, "ShipDuelMoraleFleeSuperior": 0, "ShipDuelMoraleWinInferior": 0, "ShipDuelMoraleWinSuperior": 0, "MoraleStates": [{ "Type": "Lively", "MinimumMorale": 1, "DisplayName": 4267, "ExperienceMultiplier": 1.2 } ], "ShipLootCoinToMoraleRate": 50, "NotEnoughCrewTravelSpeedMult": 0, "PlayerCaptainID": "ff0869fe-2a00-4216-8eec-6f189ffff3be" } ] },{ "$type": "Game.GameData.WorldMapEncounterGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "RE_Crew_Event_Wages", "ID": "16ba323e-962c-4087-8f6f-04dcddc0fb0d", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.WorldMapEncounterComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "PopUpTitle": 98, "PopUpText": 136, "MapIconName": -1, "ScriptedInteraction": { "GuidString": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, "EncounterConversationStartID": -1, "PreEncounterScripts": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "Scripts": [{ "Data": { "FullName": "Void ClearSpecifiedGuids()", "Parameters": [], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": -1719898446, "ParameterHash": -1719898446 }, "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, { "Data": { "FullName": "Void SetGlobalValue(String, Int32)", "Parameters": ["n_Crew_Event_Seed", "5"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 1935477378, "ParameterHash": 984469190 }, "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } } ] }, "ValidityConditions": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsGlobalValue(String, Operator, Int32)", "Parameters": ["n_Crew_Event_Seed", "EqualTo", "5"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 901380568, "ParameterHash": -2099268293 }, "Not": true, "Operator": 0 }, { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsCrewCount(Operator, Int32)", "Parameters": ["GreaterThan", "3"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 296414481, "ParameterHash": 306307419 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 }, { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsMoraleNumber(Operator, Int32)", "Parameters": ["LessThanOrEqualTo", "60"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 2066624184, "ParameterHash": -776755310 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 }, { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean HasMoneyPlayer(Operator, Int32)", "Parameters": ["GreaterThanOrEqualTo", "20000"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 817482826, "ParameterHash": -1538327769 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 } ] }, "BiomeID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "OverrideMapID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CreatureSpawns": [], "ShipSpawnID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AudioEvent": "", "OnceOnly": "false", "EncounterLevel": 1, "EncounterType": "Minor", "SailorTalesReward": 0, "IsHostile": "false", "IsCritPath": "false", "ScriptedMusicForSI": "" } ] } ] } Edit: I tried changing "OnceOnly": "false", to "true" but that didn't work either I thought I could live with it if it only happened once, but the change didn't make any difference at all. Question: Would it be better to have these two entries in two separate gamedatabundle files? Rather than combined into one? Edited August 8, 2018 by Kexby
Kexby Posted August 8, 2018 Author Posted August 8, 2018 (edited) I just tried something else, I stripped all the script stuff out: { "$type": "Game.GameData.WorldMapEncounterGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "RE_Crew_Event_Wages", "ID": "16ba323e-962c-4087-8f6f-04dcddc0fb0d", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.WorldMapEncounterComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "PopUpTitle": 98, "PopUpText": 136, "MapIconName": -1, "ScriptedInteraction": { "GuidString": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, "EncounterConversationStartID": -1, "PreEncounterScripts": {}, "ValidityConditions": {}, "BiomeID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "OverrideMapID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CreatureSpawns": [], "ShipSpawnID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AudioEvent": "", "OnceOnly": "false", "EncounterLevel": 1, "EncounterType": "Minor", "SailorTalesReward": 0, "IsHostile": "false", "IsCritPath": "false", "ScriptedMusicForSI": "" } ] } The damn thing still keeps running. I'm out of ideas . What can I try next? Edited August 8, 2018 by Kexby
kilay Posted August 8, 2018 Posted August 8, 2018 (edited) not sure about convo, peardox can help better. btw have you tried to switch OnceOnly to true , in that way the payment should be applied just one time Edited August 8, 2018 by kilay Random Reader'Plinio il Vecchio asseriva che un rimedio alla sbronza fosse quello di mangiare uova crude di gufo' I° secolo D.C. My Mods on Nexus Nexus Mods Translated to Italian Italian Localization Fix PATCH More Custom AI Conditions Enhanced UI - Afflictions and Inspirations Extended Spell TT1 Unique Items More Priest Subclasses_Ondra Hylea Abydon Channeler Cipher Subclass Are you looking for a group of modders ?Request an invite to our Slack group Do you need a mod? Fill this mod request
Kexby Posted August 8, 2018 Author Posted August 8, 2018 (edited) Hey Kilay, thanks for replying. Yep, I tried switching OnceOnly to true, but it didn't seem to make any difference. But here's a thought, I'm using Peardox's 'Plain Sailing' mod that edits a lot of the Crew_Events in worldmap.gamedatabundle (though it doesn't change the Crew_Event_Wages entry). But both my mod and his are making changes to worldmap.gamedatabundle. Could the two mods be conflicting? Edit: Nope, that wasn't it, I tried adding my changes to Peardox's 'Plain Sailing' mod and it didn't make any difference. Something else is causing the event to run. Hmm I wonder if I can figure out how to change the crew wages to 0. That would do the trick. I don't care how many times the event happens then, if I don't lose any gold when it happens. I'm also wondering if changing "EncounterLevel": 1, to something like 100 would stop this event happening (at least until you're level 100). Edited August 8, 2018 by Kexby
Kexby Posted August 8, 2018 Author Posted August 8, 2018 (edited) At long last! I've finally figured it out! I've got it working! It turns out I had to individually copy and paste every crew member's data from ShipCrewMemberData in ships.gamedatabundle. It was a pain to do, but it's working! I only have 5 crew members: Riggere, Chitupec, Eld Engrim, Beodul and Irrena So they're the only ones I've done so far. But it's marvelous! I can sail around all day and my crew don't consume any resources (nor does their morale decrease) so I never have to worry about getting supplies for my ship or running out of gold to pay them. If anybody wants it, here's the code: { "GameDataObjects": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.GlobalShipSettingsGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "GlobalShipSettings", "ID": "68f6ef6b-b32c-401b-838f-ba4b20ce623d", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.GlobalShipSettingsComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "HungerSurvivalTable": [{ "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 }, { "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 }, { "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 } ], "ThirstSurvivalTable": [{ "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 }, { "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 }, { "EfficiencyDecrease": 0, "MinimumDaysThreshold": 0, "DeathConstitutionModifier": 0 } ], "BaseRepairUnitHeal": 0, "BaseRepairUnitUseRate": 0, "CrewTraitUnlockRequirements": [{ "SailorTales": 0 }, { "SailorTales": 5 }, { "SailorTales": 10 }, { "SailorTales": 15 }, { "SailorTales": 25 }, { "SailorTales": 50 } ], "SlotPlaceholderItems": [{ "Slot": "Hull", "UpgradeID": "f6169592-78dd-40e5-a517-21338be17833" }, { "Slot": "Sails", "UpgradeID": "c3a0f719-18bd-4f6c-8ee6-83aaecb6d940" }, { "Slot": "Wheel", "UpgradeID": "550cb266-9b66-4874-8a30-f464442a9bc4" }, { "Slot": "Lantern", "UpgradeID": "638eebaf-8d62-4239-8088-e85c9e40db08" }, { "Slot": "Anchors", "UpgradeID": "d215c402-16d3-4359-af64-739c1e9b8b56" } ], "MedicalSuppliesPerInjuryDay": 0, "MoraleGlossaryEntryID": "7e972ad8-026e-40bb-9f5b-84ff74856939", "FoodGlossaryEntryID": "6676877a-1392-4ead-b1be-05f8400d517f", "DrinkGlossaryEntryID": "cb7f2b65-d4a7-488d-b8b4-ede1cf7ed781", "ShipDuelMoraleFleeInferior": 0, "ShipDuelMoraleFleeSuperior": 0, "ShipDuelMoraleWinInferior": 0, "ShipDuelMoraleWinSuperior": 0, "MoraleStates": [{ "Type": "Lively", "MinimumMorale": 1, "DisplayName": 4267, "ExperienceMultiplier": 1.2 } ], "ShipLootCoinToMoraleRate": 50, "NotEnoughCrewTravelSpeedMult": 0, "PlayerCaptainID": "ff0869fe-2a00-4216-8eec-6f189ffff3be" } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCrewMemberData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "CRW_Riggere", "ID": "9ae451c7-bf20-4fef-8db1-dd3d4303e02a", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCrewMemberDataComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "CrewPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/00_ship/npc_crew_riggere.prefab", "CharacterStatsID": "a0676967-9f87-4867-83b1-6a9f4a0f607d", "HireCost": 0, "BaseWage": 0, "BaseFood": 0, "BaseDrink": 0, "OverrideSailorTales": 0, "DefaultTraits": [{ "JobType": "None", "CrewTraitID": "abd4a293-6f64-4fac-9f65-a90f64c18942" }, { "JobType": "Captain", "CrewTraitID": "abd4a293-6f64-4fac-9f65-a90f64c18942" }, { "JobType": "Boatswain", "CrewTraitID": "abd4a293-6f64-4fac-9f65-a90f64c18942" }, { "JobType": "Navigator", "CrewTraitID": "abd4a293-6f64-4fac-9f65-a90f64c18942" }, { "JobType": "Helmsman", "CrewTraitID": 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Heheh I'm so pleased with myself. I'm especially pleased that I solved it on my own this time. I'm getting better Edited August 8, 2018 by Kexby 3
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