Kexby Posted August 4, 2018 Posted August 4, 2018 (edited) I know a lot of people love ship combat, but sadly, I'm not one of them. I would like to completely disable it, but I don't think that's possible (if it is, then please tell me how, cause that would be ideal). So what I would like to try instead, is to make it so that my ship never fails when I choose the 'retreat' option at the start of combat. Then I'll just run away and hopefully never have to fight another ship again. So I'm thinking that changing my ship's speed might do the trick. I've found the entry for the Defiant in ships.gamedatabundle: { "GameDataObjects": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "SHP_Defiant", "ID": "eca0c9d7-0cd0-47b3-b820-15caf39e7ed0", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ShipPrefab": "prefabs/ships/shp_dyrwoodan_sloop_b.prefab", "NameplateFBX": "art/ships_new/props/name_plates/name_plate_sloop.fbx", "ShipType": "Sloop", "WorldMapModelVisualData": "art/ships_new/wm_tokens/a_wm_sloop_a.asset", "MinimumCrewSize": 5, "Slots": [{ "UpgradeType": "CannonsPort", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] }, { "UpgradeType": "CannonsStarboard", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["809d73ca-bece-4682-b531-0d91ed5d4722", "809d73ca-bece-4682-b531-0d91ed5d4722"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Hull", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Sails", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Flag", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["12e3b9ba-6985-4f13-a44f-d4b54fa1e82b"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Misc", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": [] }, { "UpgradeType": "Wheel", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Lantern", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Anchors", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] } ], "Actions": [{ "Action": "None", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "SailFull", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "SailHalf", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "Board", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "Hold", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "TurnStarboard", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "TurnPort", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "TurnReverse", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "FireCannons", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "Report", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "BraceForImpact", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 } ], "MovementEffects": [{ "MovementType": "Stationary", "VisualEffect": "prefabs/effects/environment/ships/fx_sloop_stationary.prefab" }, { "MovementType": "Sailing", "VisualEffect": "prefabs/effects/environment/ships/fx_sloop_moving.prefab" } ], "WorldMapMovementEffect": "prefabs/effects/environment/worldmap/fx_wm_sloop.prefab", "MinimumDeckhandRanks": 2, "MinimumHelmsmanRanks": 1, "CrewJobs": [{ "JobType": "None", "Count": 1, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Captain", "Count": 0, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Boatswain", "Count": 0, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Navigator", "Count": 1, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Helmsman", "Count": 1, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Deckhand", "Count": 2, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Cannoneer", "Count": 2, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Cook", "Count": 1, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Surgeon", "Count": 1, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Reserve", "Count": 3, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] } ], "BaseStats": [{ "ShipAttributeType": "CombatSpeed", "StatValue": 50 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "SailHealth", "StatValue": 20 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "HullHealth", "StatValue": 60 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "TravelSpeed", "StatValue": 0 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "Hittability", "StatValue": 50 } ], "SupplyLimits": [{ "Type": "Ammunition", "Count": 100 }, { "Type": "Medicine", "Count": 100 }, { "Type": "Repair", "Count": 50 } ], "ShipName": 750, "ShipTypeName": 3305, "ShipTypeIconMetal": "gui/images/ingamehud/ships/icon_ship_sloop.png", "ShipTypeIconParchment": "gui/worldmap/citymap/ic_garage_sloop.png", "ShipPortrait": "gui/nonatlased/ships/icon_ship_preview_sloop.png", "Defenders": 4, "SailsMajorColor": { "A": 1, "R": 0.8235294, "G": 0.8235294, "B": 0.8235294 }, "SailsMinorColor": { "A": 1, "R": 0.2235294, "G": 0.5490196, "B": 0.2627451 }, "ShipNameColor": { "A": 1, "R": 0.9372549, "G": 0.8, "B": 0.4823529 }, "HullColor": { "A": 1, "R": 0.2235294, "G": 0.5490196, "B": 0.2627451 }, "RTPCValue": 0, "CloseToBoardDamageMultiplier": 1, "CloseToBoardDefensiveDamageMultiplier": 1 } ] } ] } Would changing the following value: "ShipAttributeType": "CombatSpeed", "StatValue": 50 To something like 200 achieve the desired result? If not, then I would really be grateful for any advice. Cheers. Edited August 4, 2018 by Kexby
Kexby Posted August 4, 2018 Author Posted August 4, 2018 Oh! I think I might have found what I'm looking for. In ShipDuelSettingsGameData there is this entry: "RetreatDistance": 600, I'm going to try lowering it to 10 and see if that works.
Kexby Posted August 4, 2018 Author Posted August 4, 2018 Well, that certainly improved things. I encounted another hostile ship and selected the 'retreat' option, which failed (I have no idea why) maybe using both CombatSpeed and RetreatDistance would work But anyway, this time, when I selected 'full sails ahead' or whatever it's called, I was able to escape combat in the first round. It's not ideal, but it's bearable. If I can't find a better solution, then I guess I can live with it (anything is better than being forced to endure that god awful combat ).
peardox Posted August 4, 2018 Posted August 4, 2018 When you win enough battles they tend to avoid picking a fight with you so the best way to avoid battles is to artificially raise your ship combat stats - they take one look at you and run away Something worth doing is just boarding the opponent as this then switches to combat. Full Sail every turn to get yourself really close them board them.In fact if you go sail around the end of Magran's Teeth close to land you'll be forced to use this tactic frequently - win a few and they skip you 1 OK Fair warning has been applied I'm gonna move the domain to early Feb but will keep all content There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them) Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks
Kexby Posted August 4, 2018 Author Posted August 4, 2018 On 8/4/2018 at 9:45 AM, peardox said: When you win enough battles they tend to avoid picking a fight with you so the best way to avoid battles is to artificially raise your ship combat stats - they take one look at you and run away Oh I like that idea! If I raise all my base stats: "BaseStats": [{ "ShipAttributeType": "CombatSpeed", "StatValue": 50 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "SailHealth", "StatValue": 20 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "HullHealth", "StatValue": 60 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "TravelSpeed", "StatValue": 0 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "Hittability", "StatValue": 50 } To 200, do you reckon that would scare them away? Thanks for the suggestion Peardox
peardox Posted August 4, 2018 Posted August 4, 2018 Something along those linesThere are several upgraded ships on Nexus if you want something to crib fromJust upgrade them a LOT more and the enemy will steer clear of youYou also want a real high level as captain I'm still using the base ship but have a high captain level - I have to go hunt targets down, never get attackedThe last time I did this the opponent ran away - very annoying 1 OK Fair warning has been applied I'm gonna move the domain to early Feb but will keep all content There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them) Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks
peardox Posted August 4, 2018 Posted August 4, 2018 Testing theory I just picked a fight with Had to chase him down and I'm well out-classed - he's got 8 cannons and a really high level ship Immediately knocks two of my cannons out so I'm down to one per side His ship is 50% better than mine with twice the firepower My attack method is simple - Line up then repeat the following repeatedly Get in cannon range and line up for firing Check the hit chance - anything under 90 I skip Fire Jibe Wait (1) or replace a injured crew member Go to top and repeat I stand no chance you'd think I did get a LOT of damage but that's not the pointHe's got a slower damage rate than me so hit him as frequently as often as possible and hope he sinks before I doHe's at the bottom of the sea, my ship is a mess but that can all be fixed - being in Davy Jones' locker can't OK Fair warning has been applied I'm gonna move the domain to early Feb but will keep all content There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them) Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks
Kexby Posted August 4, 2018 Author Posted August 4, 2018 Heheh different strokes for different folks . I've found something else as well: Quote Sea EncountersJust like traveling on land, you may have encountered on the sea. Deal them carefully to get additional benefits, or suffer losses. Before the encounter starts, you can choose to retreat. (success chance depends on deackhands). The encounter is turn-based. Each turn you can choose to speed up, to turn, or maintain current course. Maintain current course will increase your chance of hits. If a certain sailor is hit and cannot perform his/her duties.(Helmsman down and you cannot turn, Cannoneer down you cannot fire cannons etc. )You can use "report to" command to replace the sailor. Your distance to the enemy ship and direction is shown on the bottom of the encounter screen. The closer you get, the more accurate your shots get. You can also board the enemy ships when close enough. Your sailors gain XP through successful naval encounter. So I'm going to increase: "IncompententDeckhandsMovementMultiplier": 0.5, to 100. Let's see how that works .
Kexby Posted August 4, 2018 Author Posted August 4, 2018 Bummer! It didn't make any difference. Neither did changing the base stats of the ship But no matter, I may not be able to 'retreat' when an enemy attacks me, but so far I've been able to escape by using 'full sail ahead' in the first round of every encounter. So setting the retreat distance to 10 seems to have worked. Of course, never getting attacked at all would be best, but I can live with this. By the way Peardox, I've downloaded your mods 'No Storms' and 'Plain Sailing' which make seafaring even more bearable . Unfortunately 'No Storms' isn't working for me (I think it's because I've added it to a game where I've already sailed on the sea. It might be like adding things to vendors) but 'Plain Sailing' works a treat, so thank you for making the game so much less annoying .
peardox Posted August 4, 2018 Posted August 4, 2018 (edited) No Storms is a basic mod and unlikely to fail To test save then deliberately sail into a Storm - you should just sail straight thru and out the other side (think that was my first mod) It doesn't remove storms it just stops them doing anything bad. I found that extremely annoying the first time I went to Tikiwara (or whatever it's called) I was a low level newb and EVERY time I set sail I died in a bloody Storm - very frustrating when you don't know the ropes nence my motivation to get into modding (that was a hell of a learning curve) I STRONGLY suggest you do a Slack with the guys - this is exactly the situation you describe in your PMs I know @Kilay is around so give him a mention in Slack and he'll respond fairly quickly@tonpix is also around @TT1 is having a BBQ - pix in #generalI've set up a quiet place for chatting - just grab @Kilay or @tonpix and ask for an invite to #greenroom to discuss your issues - just say I askedThey don't bite You'll prob end up with some intro chat then they'll help you out.There are a load of (Slack) members with specific knowledge of specific thingsHell - today we got a Chinese native to help us on translationsJust give Slack a go - actually I'd make a beeline for @tonpix if I were you, he owes you one for allowing me to share our PMs with him. He found them extremely enlightening and can point you in the direction of the right member to help you out Edited August 4, 2018 by peardox OK Fair warning has been applied I'm gonna move the domain to early Feb but will keep all content There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them) Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks
Kexby Posted August 4, 2018 Author Posted August 4, 2018 Quote No Storms is a basic mod and unlikely to fail To test save then deliberately sail into a Storm - you should just sail straight thru and out the other side (think that was my first mod) It doesn't remove storms it just stops them doing anything bad. Oh it's my fault! I thought it would stop the storms appearing on the map, I didn't realize it would render them harmless. That's wonderful! I'll have to test it again. But I'm about to go to bed (living in Australia has its downsides ) so I hope I can catch up with you all tomorrow.
peardox Posted August 4, 2018 Posted August 4, 2018 Oh Just had a thought Plain Sailing works by disabling the more annoying ship stuff In theory the same method should work with sea battles That would be a rather cool mod for newbies to stop them dying every five minutes I'd guess that striping the Scriptable out of it would make every battle a passIf you check out Plain Sailing and compare it to original you'll find that I just disabled the ones I found annoying but left most of them in My new router arrived yesterday but I was writing "/poe missing" - everyone in Slack knows I'm re-wiring everything shortly so accept my AFK most of the time ATMI've given you some pointersYeah - I could write this one easily (I think) but I want to get you into Slack YOU should write this Mod - it's a great idea. You should get the credit as the Author. Lastly YOU should publish it on Nexus.The boys DO bite - but that's usually reserved for myself doing summat dumb They're a friendly bunch and will definitely help you out 1 OK Fair warning has been applied I'm gonna move the domain to early Feb but will keep all content There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them) Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks
Kexby Posted August 5, 2018 Author Posted August 5, 2018 Thanks Peardox. I'll go study what you've done. Question: If I manage to disable ship combat altogether, will I break the game? Are there ship battles that you MUST engage in (like certain quests for instance)?
peardox Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 Just had a look at this again Yep - it appears possible to disable ship combat The GUID for all the text in ship battles is 5bb98353-93dc-4585-9280-620df1ccc94c This is called from wordmap.gamedatabundle along with a load of scripts to BeginShipDuel() There are 64 references OK Fair warning has been applied I'm gonna move the domain to early Feb but will keep all content There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them) Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks
TT1 Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 If you disable naval combat at all, it will break the game yes. There are some battles required for quests and factions.
peardox Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 Those are scripted AFAIK (only had a little explore) OK Fair warning has been applied I'm gonna move the domain to early Feb but will keep all content There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them) Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks
TT1 Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 On 8/23/2018 at 4:06 PM, peardox said: Those are scripted AFAIK (only had a little explore) Main quest, yes, probably. Faction quests I dont think so.
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