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Found 3 results

  1. Great game! I'm excited to see how it transforms over time. Please make a VR version of this game for at least the PC if not for all VR headsets too. This game is already super fun but it would be an insanely fun in VR with the ability to play crossplatform multiplayer. Pretty please?
  2. Wouldn't a VR mod for The Outer Worlds be awesome? The masterful modders from the "Flatscreen to VR Modding Community" discord server have already created VR mods for multiple flatscreen games. With Deep Rock Galactic the (afaik) first VR mod for a Unreal Engine game is now in development. The same could happen to TOW. Unfortunately TOW currently doesn't contain certain libraries that are required for VR. The libraries can be added back in with Unreal Engine plugins, that come with the engine. Enabling those shouldn't take too long. I'm trying to somehow get into contact with someone who can add those libraries back in and to try to covince them. Has anyone ever done this? What's the best way to reach out? Any help is appreciated Edit: If y'all want a TOW VR mod and would like to help, but don't know how, just leave a comment. Maybe that will help with getting attention
  3. Would love to see a vr version of this on the oculus quest There isn't many good survival/crafting/building games on there and I believe alot of people would enjoy coming face to face with a wolf spider in person or building there own base and being able to see and build first hand with the two touch controllers And to fight off a hoard of ants or take on bombardier beatles and stink bugs like I'm actual there Plus the game is roughly around 4gb on console which alot of the other games on there take up alot more space so I think It would work out great Id def pay for something like that and I believe alot of other people would agree
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