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Found 2 results

  1. *General (For all issues)* Device: Hudl 2 OS: Android 5.1 *Gameplay* Pass & Play: OFF Permadeath: OFF Mode: Quest Party Members: Merisiel, Kyra Turn Order: Merisiel, Kyra Scenario: unknown (quest mode) Difficulty: 3 (legendary?) Trigger: Victory rewards sequence Repro: first start up of game after updating to having encountered the Quest Rewards bug On loading the game I'm presented with the "Victory!" splash, which turns out to be for the party that I first hit the problem for (which is awesome!) Next, I'm rewarded with a card for each character in turn, then I tap the "advance" blue button on the RHS, select Skill reward for both characters in turn (weapon proficiency in this instance), tap advance, and it's at this point that the bug triggers. I'm presented with ostensibly the same screen as the skill selector screen, only the upgrades list pane is empty, showing just the frame with the screen background. Advance doesn't work and when I quit, neither the Continue nor Quest buttons work any more.
  2. I’ve been playing the Pathfinder Adventures games for a few days now on my iPad 3rd generation (iOS 9) and it’s fun. I’ve encountered a number of bugs more annoying than game-breaking, except the following one. I’m playing Quest Mode using Merisiel, Kyra and Valeros. On finishing a Quest, Merisiel and Kyra both reached level 8, and Valeros reached level 5. On tapping CONTINUE, I’m brought into the Victory screen where my characters get to receive their rewards. At first, Valeros can’t be selected until I select Merisiel’s and Kyra’s reward (in both cases, a card reward). When i get to Valeros, his first reward, an Ally card, just seems to appear OUTSIDE the screen! As since I can’t tap it, the screen is «frozen» (I can’t tap the Continue arrow nor the settings icon). I know it’s up there, since there have been a couple of times where I could see the magic ripples around the card at the extreme edge of the top of the screen… I’ve tried selecting various card rewards for Merisiel and Kyra, quitting and continue the game from the main screen (which throws me back to the Victory screen loop), restarting the app… nothing works. I’m considering deleting those characters and start anew (which would be a bummer since I’ve added some nice cards in their decks along the way), but is there a way to go around the problem and get Valeros to get that Ally card correctly and finish that Quest? And if I have to start my characters anew, is there a way to transfer their cards to new characters? Thanks!
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