Here's the manual:
Go to page 33-34 of the manual (page 19 in PDF form).
Here is the excerpt in question:
"Chanters can string any number of phrases together into a chant that can be used in combat, with each phrase taking effect as it is chanted and lingering for several seconds after the phrase ends. This allows the chanter to combine overlapping bonuses (or penalties), something which is known as twisting the phrases. Multiple chanters can twist their phrases for bonus effects, too. Note that chants are free actions, in that the character can speak them while attacking or moving or using items."
Can anyone clarify exactly what they mean? I haven't dabbled with the chanter much in the Backer Beta. So if 2 identical chants are sung at the same time, do they stack or what? What are these bonus effects they speak of? This is first time I've read about this "twisting" mechanic. So now I'm confused. Is this like some outdated feature that got pulled or what?