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Found 5 results

  1. At first I wasn't sure if I should take the time to write this or not, or even where to post it, but I figured it can't hurt anything and it might make someone smile or feel appreciated. I'm sure that many feel the same way, but I'll try and make this short. To start, a big thanks to Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, and all the creative minds involved in the first 2 Fallouts, for the passion and care put into creating the games and the universe therein. Fallout has for a long time been a favorite of mine, and #2 remains my favorite. Hail The Enclave! I can remember the first time I saw Fallout. I was about 14 and hanging out with some friends, and one of them was playing Fallout, and robbing a whole town. I was so impressed by the game. There were about 3 of us that just stood behind him and watched him play for about 2 hours. Asking questions and getting involved in the decisions that his character was making. After that, I had to play that game, and then when I beat it, I had to play it again! A lot of "what if" scenarios come to mind, when thinking of the history of the franchise. There is nothing to be gained by it. I often wish that the original team could have continued creating the amazing game they started. However, the circumstances as they are, increase my excitement for The Outer Worlds. I would like to commend Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky and their supportive creative team for not giving up on the idea of creating an amazing RPG that contains many of the elements that all the long time fans appreciate. It has been a many years, but you all haven't given up. I know the first game isn't out yet, but I hope to grow to love the The Outer Worlds universe just as much, if not more, than the Fallout Universe. I look forward to supporting a team, studio, developers, and franchise that deserves it. I know the game will be amazing when it comes out, and will release in a complete state. Thank you for your up front honesty about what the game has or doesn't have. Also not investing too much into hype, and letting the finished product do the talking. Speaking of talking, I became even more excited after seeing Megan Starks was working on this title as a lead designer. Knowing the caliber of games she has worked on in the past and the amazing dialogue in those games, really gives some insight into the level of excellence we can expect. The skill level of people that Tim and Leonard have picked for previous titles really gets me excited for what this game will offer. Some people may read this as brown nosing or fanboying, but I don't benefit from either one of those. I just think this game will reward the long time efforts of these people for rolling with the punches and even when getting knocked down, not staying down, and coming back to say, "We still have what it takes. We have ideas. We are going to do things!" So just thank you, and hope the best for all of you and the release!
  2. Dear Obsidian! .. I am not a hardcore fan of this type of games, yet i have played many like NVN, DA, IWD not sure i think i did not play BG tho... it is what it is. I recently purchased the game from steam, and recently i have purchased a lot of games ... obviously i was looking for something, i was looking for an RPG to take me in that world ... for something engaging, with no in game purchased or at least for them to be cosmetic only or something like that but in vain. Few days ago I have purchased your game and i just want to say THAN YOU VERY MUCH for bringing this amazing game to us, for it being full and complete game, with no excuses, with no missing parts that are locked behind pay walls, thank you very much for the amazing story, full and rich content, and really good graphics, thank you very much for the full experience you provided, and i am really looking forwards of having more games and content of this sort. This is about all just wanted to say thank you
  3. I just wanted to make a Thank You thread after having backed the game. This game is everything I've ever wanted and more. After all the waiting, crying when it was delayed, and the screaming at steam when it wouldn't release at 3am here in Australia, it was more then just worth it, it was beyond it. Thank you so much!
  4. To all the great people working at Obsidian, that have put so much effort into this project: THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS GAME POSSIBLE! I just wanted to tell you, that I have waited so long for a game like this and that I am so very happy, that I finally can play it! I have to admit, that I haven't gone far in the game by now, but nevertheless you can feel at every corner how much effort (in germany you would say "how much heartblood", but I fail to find a good translation) you have put into the game! And I appreciate this very much! I think you really can be proud of yourselves! --- Btw.: If anyone would be doing, I don't know, like a kickstarter project to gather some money for a big cake that says "THANK YOU OBSIDIAN" or something, I would be happy to kick in a few bucks! (I know that maybe I should do this since I proposed it, but 1. I have no experience with kickstarter projects, in fact I backed via paypal - 2. I do not live in the US, which would make this much more easy, I suppose - 3. I have not very much time right now to do something like this - 4. I back away from the responsibility ) Or maybe someone has an even better idea?!
  5. Hello, everyone. We aren't doing an update this week because the team is hard at work on a very special update for the near future. Can't really talk about it right now, but we think it's going to be cool. On our one year anniversary, we really just wanted to thank all of the fans and backers that have allowed us to make the game of our dreams. When we asked for your help in getting Eternity funded, you responded by making it one of the most successful Kickstarters in the site's history. Without your continuous feedback and support this game just wouldn't be possible. So, from the entire Obsidian team we give our most heartfelt thank you to our fans and backers. Stay tuned! -The Project Eternity Crew
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