I will soon be returning to pillars and hopefully finally finish it (or at least get past Maerwald) before December when POE2 releases for PS4.
I want to do a talkative build that works well in a team (and solo? I dunno if there are many fights you HAVE to do solo) on POTD.
Also, havin POE2 in mind, are there some creation choices from POE1 that highly affect conversations in part 2?
Stats and build dont matter to me much, as I like pretty much all playstyles in these types of games
Races I find the most interesting: Orlan, Aumaua, Godlike
Classes i find the most interesting: Paladin, Cipher, Priest
While I like slaves or scholars the most, I am open to other backgrounds. For geographic origins I have no preferences at all, though I guess Deadfire would have the largest impact in POE2?
Any advice is much appreciated ;D