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Found 4 results

  1. So it's the 1st of July and I still haven't received my Collector's edition box (or the disc) yet. I got the "your swag is on the way" email a long time ago, since then I've contacted Paradox and they promised to send a replacement shipment, but it's July and nothing. And of course, they can't be bothered to provide a tracking number (the support guy specifically said "the package does not have a tracking number"). Well I'll be damned. I do live in a pretty remote place, but I've had stuff delivered to me from all over the world - US, UK, Europe, China, no problems this far. So I'm guessing this is Paradox screwing up once again. I mean how hard can it be to just attach a tracking number to the fking thing?! I mean I'm kind of glad I backed the game but... that CE was my birthright, and I was denied
  2. Hello, I don't post on here often but I was just wondering if there is a physical copy of the game I can purchase in the US. I really love the game so far, I just want a boxed version! Hopefully they come out with one, as well as a boxed version for the expansion being worked on. Would really make the game feel like an authentic old school game! Even though the game itself already does.
  3. Just bought the physical copy of the game and am trying to install the main content (sans patches, obviously) from the disk. The installer doesn't appear to be installing anything from the disk despite apparently holding 6.8GIG of data. Steam is trying to download 5.7GIG of data instead, which I am trying to avoid (otherwise I would have bought on GoG). Surely there hasn't been 5.7GIG of patches for Pillars since release? Searched the net for solutions, no luck. After running Setup.exe on the CD the game registers fine. It allocates the space but as soon as it gets to the "installing from disk" screen it immediately skips to the "Your selected games are now accessible in the Steam Games Library" screen without seeming to copy anything. That's when the 5.7GIG download starts. Any pointers/workarounds would be appreciated.
  4. Sorry if this is a total noob question, but its been a long time since I played a modern PC game (still playing IWD / NWN). I have never used Steam, and just recently learned about GoG. So my quesitons are: Where is the best place to get PoE? What is the best "edition" of PoE to get? And can you get PoE at a retail store in Canada (and thus get a physical copy)? I would like to get a strategy guide for the game. Thanks, N.
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