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  1. This a discussion on these topics, I AM NOT holding a debate for or against it, I actually don't care how you feel about it. I managed to find an article about should children be in the game and people were saying they should be immortal, that BS IMO if you want realism. I have played BG2 and have never killed a child, thought never even entered into my mind as an option. So my thoughts on the matter, if it bothers you don't do it, simple as that. I am new here so forgive me if it already covered and common knowledge on these topics, if it is I ask you to point me to the article/s so I can read up further on the subject/s. I did find a post about children, whether they should be in game or not, and the debate that followed if they should be killable or not. Personally I don't care about that, I am interested in marriage, romance and fathering (mothering? Doesn't seem right to fright with child) offspring. I find this intriguing and am interested if the option will ever be present, on launch, DLC or hopefully a mod (don't know if the game will be mod-able, let me know if it is please :D). In BG2 there was Aerie, whom you could romance even have a kid with (how awesome is/was that!). Sample dialogue from Aerie: “I…I will show you my body (char name)…and I hope it pleases you. Would you…would you stay with me this night (char name)? Will you show me what true love consists of?” “I’m such a silly woman. Whining and crying…I must seem so ridiculous and petty. No man will ever want me I think…I feel so embarrassed.” So I hope to have the option of doing the same in this game, it was one of the coolest experience I have had in a game, in fact I feel as though I still love her. How do you feel, want an epic game of epic proportions?
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