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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, It is more a proposition, not really a bug. There is a cool thing in Tyranny : you can saw the % of transformation for each step. It would be really cool if in Pillars that would be the same thing ! : For found bugs or even generally a better comprehension of stacking rules. EDIT : If there is a diminushing return, it is the good place to learn the true %. Like : 30 % + 10 % = 40 %.... or 37 % ? Quote of Boeroer in another topic.
  2. When the backer beta first hit, there was no graze on regular attacks, graze was a special property on some skills and abilities. In the first update, the graze on regular attacks was brought back. I think this change was a bit rushed and it wasn't really discussed in relation to combat speed, so I would like to talk about it a bit more. One criticism I have about PoE 1 combat is that it feels too busy, and I think it's mainly because of grazes. The constant hitting of everything makes it chaotic and hard to read. Also grazes imo don't feel rewarding at all, I very much prefer to miss more often, but to know that when I do hit the opponent, it makes an impact. With all the talk on combat speed, I think removing graze from autoattacks would also help this a lot. The lower dps output of characters would allow for shorter recovery times, because as many have said, watching your characters just doing nothing in combat doesn't feel very good. Even with shorter recovery times, the combat would feel less busy because of less hitting, while also feeling more rewarding, because your party would look more active. As a bonus, combat encounters could generally last a bit longer with this change, which would be good, because combat tends to be over too quickly imo. I really liked how graze was a special property in the first beta, it was just another thing to make abilities diverse. Knowing that it might be too late to make changes like this for final release, I think it's still worth discussing for future updates/DLC. What do you guys think?
  3. I have found a possible bug, I have noticed it with the bow Borresaine, when equipped by a ranger, havn't been able to test it yet. Crit effect: stun, should be increased/decreased duration with crit/graze, however the effect seems to last 7.5s whenever the shot hits/crits/grazes as well as if the effect hits/crits. Combat log indicates 7.5s for stun under any condition. Is the duration of the effect altered on crit/graze of the effect or the initial hit? Also is this a bug in the application of a duration modifier or simply in the combat log?
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