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Found 4 results

  1. I started a new game to check Hylea's challenge and here are some interesting things: - Vela is not on the deck during the first fight (against Benweth's crew) - She joins when you are free to move on the beach - You can't control her (to move her away or reposition her during combat) and she doesn't show up in the formation editor - She will follow the Watcher but she alternates between brief moments of moving and standing still (you can keep her far from combat by moving the Watcher) - She enters stealth mode when the Watcher does, but I'm not sure if she has a stealth skill level that is checked when enemies are nearby - You can't talk or interact with her, but she speak sometimes, including what I believe is a new line for her (about being safe with the captain) - She moves by herself even when you are standing still - When combat begins she crouches and feels afraid (see picture below), but I've also seen her simply walking as if nothing was happening, just beside an enemy! (see the other picture) - Playing with Skaen's Challenge is not recommended - She seems to have 20 HP (on Veteran) and negative defenses (see picture at the end). You can heal and affect her with chants. I didn't test buff or debuffs So, what are your strategies and experiences when bringing her along? Note: I didn't play much, so I'll correct anything that I got wrong later. Edit: one of the first enemies got an overpenetration after she bravely walked past me and Eder. Imagine high level enemies!
  2. This was an issue back in the beta patch as well (which im not using now) but she always appears on the beach just fine, its when she's on your ship that she'll just straight up vanish. Even across saves, as i have saves right next to her (she's even in the photo) and she's just not there when it loads. I've check all across the ship, below and aboce deck every time and shes gone. This has been an issue across multiple play throughs. I've been using imports so I'm not sure if a custom world state still has the same issue. It may also be possible that she'll just poof back up later but so far she never has (and I have been testing it out, save scrumming to the highest offense and just continuing playing as much as I want to without my character's daughter). When she is around she'll oddly use default sailor responses. Which makes me think they may be some kind of "conflict" between sailor mechanics and her. She never shows up as usable crew in the menu, and the wiki says she's suppose to be a companion (which I have found no hints of in game). In game she's only just been an NPC with no fancy bells and whistles. without a clear cut answer to what she's suppose to be I can't tell how these systems are suppose to treat her. So if anyone else has this issue, thats are far as my technical help can get you. Save nearby her and pray.
  3. First and foremost. Vela spawns now with the beta patch, so do the swords, and Eder has the correct history, (yay!!!). But, its unstable. (surprising). Vela disappeared when the ship was repaired. Basically removed from the game. Playing this save a bit longer brings you to a crash when Serafen is suppose to join. (I have the crash log saved if you would like them). Loaded a save right before that, no crash, but instead he just walks away instead of joining. I loaded an even earlier save (this time before the ship repair. Vela is now on board. However after speaking to her once all her dialogue is generic sailor ones, such as "I sailed worse seas" which seems really weird for your 5 year old daughter to say.... ​ Playing that save version further reveals some interesting issues. ​Serafen's recruitment bug seems tied to which dialogue you use to accept him. ​The first option "Welcome Aboard, Serafen" works, while the "I'm sold." I'm sold line after further questioning does not. Adding further: ​Went straight to Port Maje after recruiting Sera, did a few quests "Drunk sailor", "Better Man", "Restoring order", "Burning Bridges", and hired crew mates. After returning to ship (I quick saved right before going back on) and Vela disappeared again, it wasn't until the third reload, that she showed back up, with a lovely conversation about crabs in Eder's boats. Still using generic crew responses though, "the mariner salutes". ​Also hotkeys for things like journals randomly stop being responsive and sometimes start being again, but its more not than do." ​On the way to Neketaka for the first time, after the chimes and godly round robin, Vela disappears again, loaded the auto save created several times and it doesnt seem to fix it like save scrumming earlier did (or maybe I'm just throwing bad rolls). ​Alright ​I checked my earlier save right before to make sure she is there, she is. ​Replayed the chime scene 4 times, and each time reloaded the autosave after 3 times, I check both inside and outside, and I switched up my dialogue choices during the god chat. No Vela. Something about that scene unspawns her it seems. ​Another interesting quirk. ​I went ahead and did the sunk Giftbearer vessel script event and Vela unspawned after that as well. It might be that scripted events unspawn her for some reason. ​Version [ (1153)] ​Somehow Vela got retroactively deleted from all my saves, even one where i was right next to her. She's in the picture for it and everything, but wont reappear regardless of save scrumming.
  4. What skeletons can a Beckoner summon? They are shorter than an Orlan. No, even shorter, look at one of them near Vela: Are they baby skeletons? Maybe the hollowborn are back for revenge?
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