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Found 3 results

  1. i have installed unity engine sucessfully. it even created the patch & launcher after i dragged the pillars deadfire .exe,. when starting the game a small window appears, which it is upposed to happen. but when i press ctrl + f8 nothing happens. what is the problem ?
  2. I am sorry as I do not know this should be at the engine or mechanic section so I will post at both and let the admin decide. Short Version Exploit on the slow motion function to let the game zoom on a character and play in slow motion the animation that deal the killing blow or successfully perform a feat of awesomeness, or was beaten to near death. Finishing the action the camera can zoom back and run in real time. This is good for aesthetics and helps the information crunch of which character need attention or further command. People have the option to skip that all if they want. If possible Unity Engine can do a playback of the animation. Long Version One of the advantages to TB is that you get the information/aesthetics of each event at the moment it's resolved. RTwP makes it hard to track this as multiple events is played together constantly. Active pause of the player may be out of sync and miss some events. Auto Pause may not let the player know what is causing the pause unless the player look at the text breaking the flow. In no way I am stating TB is better than RTwP as both system have their pros and cons, I am stating how to improve the RTwP so it's weakness can be shore up and exploit some strength of the TB. Eternity already will implement a Slow Motion Function, so why not take advantage of it a step further to exploit it's strength? When a character do a deathblow, a great feat of strength, or under great duress, the game will go into slow motion and zoom in the particular character so the player can enjoy the animation or take action like switching target, run or heal. After the action ends the camera will zoom back and run in real time again. This function is skip-able with a button. If there are multiple such event happens at once, the latest character event will play into the player attention and the other character portrait will flash if they have a event that require the player attention. This function will be optional and customizable. In customizable, the player may not want to see the victory animation of the character triumph over a lowly rat but want to see the victory over a giant, so the player can select this function to happen only against strong opponents only. Or based on level, filtering out victory animation on foes 5 level lower than the character. The player can select if they want to see a really smart move from them like a fireball defeating 20 rats with good positioning and luring. So they can select the option to see animation if a character action affect 5 foes. The player also can choose to see the animation of a costly skill (determined by mana / ability level / casting length / cool down time) The player can set to slow down / pause and zoom in to a character under 25% health, finished action, stunned / blinded / feared. As such the game can enjoy the benefits of faster combat and more manageable information gathering and more satisfactions of the aesthetics animation. The developers also do not need to code a lot as this function just build on the slow motion function. If they want to take it up a notch higher they can do a playback / reverse time like prince of Persia Sand of Time, but I don't know how much work the developers need for that.
  3. I am sorry as I do not know this should be at the engine or mechanic section so I will post at both and let the admin decide. Short Version Exploit on the slow motion function to let the game zoom on a character and play in slow motion the animation that deal the killing blow or successfully perform a feat of awesomeness, or was beaten to near death. Finishing the action the camera can zoom back and run in real time. This is good for aesthetics and helps the information crunch of which character need attention or further command. People have the option to skip that all if they want. If possible Unity Engine can do a playback of the animation. Long Version One of the advantages to TB is that you get the information/aesthetics of each event at the moment it's resolved. RTwP makes it hard to track this as multiple events is played together constantly. Active pause of the player may be out of sync and miss some events. Auto Pause may not let the player know what is causing the pause unless the player look at the text breaking the flow. In no way I am stating TB is better than RTwP as both system have their pros and cons, I am stating how to improve the RTwP so it's weakness can be shore up and exploit some strength of the TB. Eternity already will implement a Slow Motion Function, so why not take advantage of it a step further to exploit it's strength? When a character do a deathblow, a great feat of strength, or under great duress, the game will go into slow motion and zoom in the particular character so the player can enjoy the animation or take action like switching target, run or heal. After the action ends the camera will zoom back and run in real time again. This function is skip-able with a button. If there are multiple such event happens at once, the latest character event will play into the player attention and the other character portrait will flash if they have a event that require the player attention. This function will be optional and customizable. In customizable, the player may not want to see the victory animation of the character triumph over a lowly rat but want to see the victory over a giant, so the player can select this function to happen only against strong opponents only. Or based on level, filtering out victory animation on foes 5 level lower than the character. The player can select if they want to see a really smart move from them like a fireball defeating 20 rats with good positioning and luring. So they can select the option to see animation if a character action affect 5 foes. The player also can choose to see the animation of a costly skill (determined by mana / ability level / casting length / cool down time) The player can set to slow down / pause and zoom in to a character under 25% health, finished action, stunned / blinded / feared. As such the game can enjoy the benefits of faster combat and more manageable information gathering and more satisfactions of the aesthetics animation. The developers also do not need to code a lot as this function just build on the slow motion function. If they want to take it up a notch higher they can do a playback / reverse time like prince of Persia Sand of Time, but I don't know how much work the developers need for that.
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