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Found 5 results

  1. Hello! Created this account to say two things on this forum: Damned fine game you created Damn buggy one at that Allow me to expand on the second point: I have an Archos 101e Tablet and I get random crashes all the time. I can usually play 10 minutes at a time, when the planets are aligned, and otherwise the game just crashes to "desktop", while it still counts as opened on the background. If the game was not good, I would give it to the second crash and uninstall. Since it's like a legal version of some high grade drug, I installed it on my cellphone (Huawei something or the other) and it works like a charm (a slightly buggy charm). It no longer crashes but has some very serious issues. Playing it on a tablet (or on a PC *wink wink*) is the greater experience. Please fix this and/or let me know how to help you fix this so I can throw money at your game. Cheers!
  2. Hope this is the right place to post this, and please excuse my bad language, and I hope something like this hasn't already been posted. I downloaded the app for my phone on launch. Yes, my phone, I know it isn't supported, but I like to live dangerously. That being said, since I know that there is a release planned for phones and pcs, I wanted to ask if it will be possible to port the progress made on one version to another. If so, that would make me happy, if not... well tough luck for me
  3. Hi. I'm planning to buy Lenovo Yoga 2 10" tablet. Is there any chance PoE would run on it? The interface issues are not so important, as I can use mouse/touchpad and keyboard. I'm more interested in performance. Here are tablet's specs in short: Intel Atom Z3745 4 × 1,33 GHz Intel HD Graphics 311 MHz 2 GB LPDDR3-1066 Win8.1 Any hope?
  4. Ok, as the title states, I've been playing a bit with the Wacom Intuos Pro Tablet (small). I'll start by saying 99% of people won't know what that is and its primary use is definitely not for gaming, as it would do horribly in 99% of games. Pillars on the other hand, has its fun moments. My set-up consist of my computer plugged into my TV via hdmi. I then pair a bluetooth keyboard to the computer. Said keyboard sit on coffee table or on the cushion ahead of the tablet depending on my position. The ability to set 6 hotkeys on the left (as well as zoom wheel) + an oversized much more accurate pad, makes this much more than "track pad gaming". Again, with anything fps or even diablo-like, this would fail horribly. The ability to pause makes it all possible, and fun. Of course I need my keyboard from time to time, but this fairs much better than an actual controller would. I just thought i'd share and get some thoughts.
  5. I know this is really early and people will say why PlayBook instead of iOS or Android... but here is why it might work: http://unity3d.com/union/ Since it is done in Unity3D it is quite possible for Eternity to exist in BlackBerry AppWorld. Unity people can convert Unity games so that the game work on other platforms (PlayBook, Roku etc...). The catch is that (as far as I remember) they get to keep the 20% and they want the game to be great (which Eternity will surpass) So here are the games of Unity that exist in PlayBook: http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/vendor/16944/?lang=EN Also here is InXile's The Bard's Tale (the most important CRPG in the PlayBook) again in AppWorld: http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/119547/?lang=en I also think Obsidan can talk with the people at InXile about the money they make from the AppWorld and see if it makes sense or not... And here is the specs to the tablet itself: http://us.blackberry.com/playbook-tablet/tablet-specs.html I know this is really a short post with not much information but I wanted to see if people (both Obsidian and non-Obsidian) are interested. ps. this is my first post so don't be harsh. 2nd ps. I was hoping that they were going to use Unity when they first put up the Kickstarter, I have been working with Unity for 2 years on various project and it is great program to work with.
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