Well, I am not certain about this and I'd like to confirm it. I have not tested it in battle yet. I don't give a lot of chances to ranged attackers, hehe. Anyway. So, here we have Pallegina, an avian godlike, with Elusive Quarry, that gives a +10 bonus to Deflection against ranged attacks. So far so good, yes? An here comes Aru-Brekr, a pretty red armor, that also gives a +10 bonus to Deflection against ranged attacks! And, my question is, if you haven't figured it out yet, when Pallegina wears this armor, does it mean she has a total of a +20 bonus to Deflection against ranged attacks, or it will be +10? Are the two separate bonuses added or is one of them suppressed? My opinion is that they are both added and the bonus is +20, because there is no (Suppressed) tag nex to either of them, but I am not 100% sure yet. Anyone wiser?