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Found 6 results

  1. Update by Brandon Adler, Lead Producer Hello, everyone. As most of you know, the Eternity team has been hard at work squashing bugs and polishing the game for release. Every day the build is getting better and we are inching closer to when we can share the full game with you. We have some important information for you, such as the... ... Release Date! If you have been waiting for word on a release date, the Pillars of Eternity team has some exciting news for you. The final game will be released on March 26th, 2015! At that time you will be able to purchase it "for reals" on Steam, GOG, and other online retailers. This is also when we will be posting information about how you can redeem your game (and other backer rewards) on our Backer Portal. If you’d like to make sure your order is correct, you can visit the Orders tab in your Account Profile. Any order there listed as “confirmed” is what we currently have confirmed for you. You can click on orders specifically to get more detail about your completed pledge. If you’re a backer getting physical goods, we’ll be sending an e-mail around the end of February that will ask you to confirm your shipping address for us. You can verify and edit your address now if you’ve recently moved. We’ll keep you posted on when we’ll need final address edits! Leads Meeting Our Executive Producer and Lead Programmer, Adam Brennecke, shot some footage of our leads meeting yesterday. We thought you guys might get a kick out of seeing one of our daily meetings. I can't promise the most riveting 20 minutes, but it will give you a bit of insight into what we do every morning. Sprint to the Finish In these last few months the team is laser-focused on a few keys areas: Polishing and Bugs. The entire team is busy fixing as many bugs as possible. We are also going through the existing content and polishing it up – check out the brigandine! Finalization of... Everything. We are also in the process of finalizing everything from backer reward items to game boxes. It is quite a bit of stuff, but we are making great progress and everything is on track for the release date. Showing Off the Game. In addition to finishing up the game and everything else surrounding it, we are also going to be showing off the game. We will be doing a live stream tomorrow at 1pm PST (21:00 GMT), on Paradox's Twitch page. Also look for us at PAX South later this month and PAX East in March (PAX East isn't confirmed yet) where some of the Pillars team will be giving a preview of the game and answering panel questions. It may even be live streamed! That's it for now, be on the lookout for our next update where we go over backer rewards (including redemption on our Backer Portal).
  2. Hey guys, I'm new here so I have a couple of questions I would appreciate if someone can answer me. 1. When will the beta of the game be released? 2. I read that the max level for characters is Lv12, does that mean the skills are very limited for each class? Or there will be a variety of skills each level? In short, can I learn one skill each level, or each level offers me a variety of skills to choose from or even pick multiple of them? Much appreciated!
  3. Hey everyone, Just came across a website that is advertising the release date for the 27th of December 2013 in regards to PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. Source: http://www.ezydvd.com.au/search?q=South+Park+Stick+of+Truth&t=all Note: This came up during my searching for a Season 16 DVD release here, as I am in Australia and we are yet to get the season for purchase. Now I'm not saying this is official or anything like that, it's just what they have written there. However I thought I would share this with you all as I am also awaiting it's arrival.
  4. So I don't know about everyone else, but I was extremely let down this week when the game really didn't drop. I thought it was insane to be accusing Trey, Matt, and the people at Ubisoft of potentially ripping people off for a rather expensive game. I found out I was dreadfully wrong. I went over to my local game store and checked on my order March 4th. It had been moved from March 5th to December 2013. This led me to some questions. The obvious is the game ever coming out, but really who knows. Although in the world of software this is pretty normal, it really isn't in the world of pre-ordered games. Ever. I had actually lifted a rule I placed wayyyy back when 'kingdom hearts 2' was released and I was let down by the pre-order, not the game in itself though, to NEVER pre-order again just for this game. Needless to say I am absolutely kicking myself over the decision. My money I could spend on other things is tied up, I have no idea if this game is ever going to be released ever, oh and I SCHEDULED SURGERY AROUND THIS. Yea literally, so I had something to do during recovery. I am not mad at Trey and Matt right now because they let it be known they didn't want this sale to happen, but if the rumors are true I will not have a nice word to say about the lot for a LONG time. So my questions: 1.) When is the release date Ubisoft? No date, no product in my mind after 2 failed releases. 2.) Is this really being postponed to Dec 2013 like I was told, and if so is that because you want to have it offered on ps4? If so I say that is terrible what you are doing to the community. 3.) Will people that pre-ordered and have every intention of having the new system be able to change their order for their new system at no cost to them (since you are stealing my time already...) 4.) Is this really just Matt and Trey hurting the fans because of some payment issues? Although I agree they deserve to be paid what they were promised if that is why the release is in limbo at best (possibly gone forever, let's be honest) then they really owed more to US the fans that turned them from nobodies to superstars. Although I doubt any of these questions will be answered I want to know. I think the fans deserve the truth, especially since our money is backing this release.
  5. Hi. Was wondering if this game is still coming out at all. Heard March, then May. Also I know about the bankruptcy. I have looked all over the place, and because I have this game pre-ordered, I would like to know if it still exists. Thanks ahead of time to anyone who has info.
  6. Seems to me many of us are expecting a relatively rich game with a lot of features that take time to develop. Also I've seen many warnings about possible bugs and a rough-edged final product. I believe it's best to wait for a great final product and I think that April 2014 is a very short deadline to implement the features a game like this should have now that 10 years have passed since the last great isometric cRPG from these guys. Add-ons are ok, but they usually feel insufficient. I think the deadline should be flexible if Obsidian reaches the budget of a large scale cRPG. I also think some of the stretch goals beyond 2.4million (or more, depending on the stretch goals already set) should be based on the most voted/replied topics of this forum. The base funding has already been reached, and there are already a lot of interesting and relevant polls that I hope Obsidian will address to.
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