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Found 5 results

  1. Update: The support team has become aware of the bug. This bug is now on the list of known issues to be fixed, I recommend that all players who are experiencing this bug continue to send their bug reports to support in order to help the team find a solution. I've been facing this issue on both Xbox and PC, and I have friends who are playing on Steam and are facing the same issue. I'll try to explain it in a simple way: Basically, the trigger to start the "Finer Things in Battle" sidequest is to defeat the Ogre Thallas and then Speak with the Apothecarist during the An Untimely End. The bug most likely happens if the player has upgraded weapons and armor. In my case, I explored the entire Map and only then proceeded to the main quest, and this bug has affected my progression by 100%; The issue is that this sidequest is required for the "Pentiment" achievement, so the developers have a few options: Fix this bug and somehow release an update for those who haven't started the sidequest, or simply remove the "Finer Things in Battle" sidequest from the requirements for the "Pentiment" achievement, that would be the easiest and quickest solution. I'm still waiting for a resolution to this issue, I've done everything possible on the map and I need them to fix it so I can progress in my game. In the meantime I'll play Starfield, but I'm looking forward to returning to Avowed and continuing to support Obidian.
  2. My current quest is the animacy method, which requires me to go to the Emerald Plains. I received the Rite of Passage upon walking up the stairs, but going to the gate did not cause it to open. Upon talking to Edda, she says I need the ambassador's permission and then refuses to talk to me further. The ambassador also does not engage in any dialogue. At this moment, I cannot progress through the game without losing a lot of progress that I have completed since my last save available before receiving the rite of passage.
  3. Good day, My friend and I opened the Haze Lab Door, went into the final fight area there and killed a bunch of Mites. After the mites were dead nothing else happened. No more enemies that were supposed to come showed up. We also found the door behind us was locked. We figured it was a bug and chose the Give Up option to respawn our characters. When we returned to the door it was locked. The switch is still flipped to on. There is no way we can get back in there. This has locked our progression as we cannot collect the Haze Chip. We have dozens of hours into this save and I really don't want to lose all of that progress. Looking at the issue tracker this has been a previous bug https://grounded.obsidian.net/issue-tracker#4vrkYlr7-players-are-reporting-a-haze-lab-door-isnt-opening-preventing-progression Looking for any semblance of help here. We have tried everything that we can find online about this. Not only does this prevent the story from progressing, but we can't unlock the advanced buildings as that is locked behind the Haze Chip. Thanks in advance!
  4. I have encountered a major plot progression issue regarding getting an invitation for the DUC from the Knights of the Crucible. I have a save before that and 1 showing it, but you only need the one showing it I think Where as far as I can see, there is no way to complete this quest and thus progress the main plot in this save state. (But if you find a work-around, please tell me.. though I will simply throw this save away and reload) This can happen when you have these 2 quests active (with exactly these states) at the same time... Winds of Steel - Research Given to Courier, Courier dead during fight - Quest not reported to Commander Clyver Invitation Quest -> Only "good standing" with crucible knights -> But Dialog with Clyver loops infinitely and the dialog choices are not going to next quest step because his "directive" (Winds of Steel) is not completed Save (Standing right in front of him with the infinite looping and very very weird dialog a click away) http://www.mediafire.com/download/t84jjmhpo7v6jha/e6f43dbc06824c1c981e0bc38ad015b9_13516728_CrucibleKeep.zip Also worth noting, before I went to the crucible knights, but after getting the invitation quest, there was 1 hostile Metal Knight Automata and 3 dead bodies in front of the keep. With nobody even acknowledging this after battle. So yeah... I have a save around 15 minutes before getting the invitation quest thankfully so I am not entirely stuck, but someone else might not be so lucky. So I hope this is the right way to report this kind of bug.
  5. So I encountered a Harpy and after I did the wisdom rolls I got back to the original character but couldn't progress because the blue arrow did not do anything. I forfeited that game (which usually fixes any issue) and now I see the Harpy on the rewards screen and even the map screen. If I start a new game my first encounter is covered up by the Harpy and I can't progress any. Forfeiting the games does not help at all and the Harpy will sometimes go away if I kill the game but it always comes back if I start a scenario. Has anyone else had this issue? What do I do to fix - is there a way to trigger a hard reset? This is on a newer iPad. Thanks in advance
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