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Found 2 results

  1. I know this place is quiet, but I'm really enjoying getting back into this game for another play through before having a crack at PoE 2. I'm a soft min/maxer at heart, and prefer playing with in game NPC's. I don't generally super charge my MC and instead try to spread good gear around to everyone. I'm mostly looking for any items I should be using, in lieu of items I might be over rating or just don't need as much as I think. Mostly because I probably don't know any better. I don't think I need to go over talents, I think I have that pretty sussed... I made an effort to spread out Soulbound weapons as much as possible, to reduce the amount of durganizing and upgrading that I need. I'm not tying the dwarves to the forge, so I might be tight on durgan, however I think I am OK on upgrades. -> Main Character - Rhea - Priest of Magran Mountain Dwarf - Deadfire Archipelago - Explorer - I sailed with cold-blooded conquerors. M 17 (2) - C 8 - D 18 - P 12 (2) - INT 17 (1) - RES 6 (1) () = Talents Weapon set 1: Pilambo per Casitas (Godhammer is an option as well) Weapon set 2: Steadfast + Redfield Head: Company Captain's Cap Neck: Comfort Armor: Boatswain's uniform (early), Clothes (mid to late) Hands: Celebrant's Gloves Ring: Ring of Deflection Ring: Ring of Protection Waist: Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer Boots: Malina's Boots Comments: Arrrrr I'm a Pirate Priest for PoE 2. I considered a Priest of Eothas, but I couldn't RP it in my head like I wanted too, and that's strangely important to me... -> Eder Weapon set 1: Edge of Reason (duped) + Sheathed in Autumn (if not duped...) Weapon set 2: Wendgar Head: Maegfolc Skull Neck: Ruphec's Watchful Cloak MK II Armor: Pike's Pride (Superb + Durganized) Hands: Siegebreaker Guantlets Ring: Iron Circle Ring: Ring of Protection Waist: Girdle of the Driving Wave Boots: Frythr's Plated Greaves Comments: If I punched in and understand everything right, I'm pretty sure provided Armored Grace + Durganized everything + Outlander's Frenzy, Eder should be self sufficient 0 recovery, with a minor knock to recovery if I turn on Vulnerable Attack. DAoM potion fixes this, but is also very much overkill... A pair of Rimecutters work too, but would definitely need to be upgraded and duped, so I would have no way to get a second Superb ranged weapon for Pallegina (if that matters?). I do know a pair of Bittercut's are probably better, but I enjoy the weapon separation between Pallegina and Eder more. -> Aloth Weapon set 1: Gyrd Haewanes Stenes Weapon set 2: Spelltongue (just cause) + Little Savior Head: Garodh's Chorus (Preservation) Neck: Mantle of the Excavator Armor: Aloth's Leather Armor Hands: Glittering Guantlets Ring: Ring of Protection Ring: Gwyn's Band of Union Waist: Belt of the Stelgaer Boots: Greenstained Boots Comments: Aloth could wear clothes if I wanted to maximize casting speed, but I feel comfortable with him wearing his original armor durganized. Gwyn Haewanes could go on my Priest for the increased accuracy, but I find it such a great weapon for Aloth on any fight where I don't need to unleash a string of debuffs all fight long. I also put Aspirant's Mark on Aloth so he always has something to contribute in every encounter. -> Pallegina Weapon set 1: Leadsplitter (Superb + duped? Duganized?) Weapon set 2: Leadsplitter OR Dulcanale/Silver Flash Weapon set 3: The Flames of Fair Rhian + Outworn Buckler Head: N/A Neck: Cloak of Protection Armor: Ryona's Breastplate Hands: Ryona's Vambraces Ring: Pensiavi mes Rei Ring: Ring of Deflection Waist: Coil of Resourcefulness Boots: Fenwalkers Comments: The Fire General build, without a lot of the per rest items, but I would probably swap those in and out as needed. I don't know about Leadsplitter. Is it really better or comparable to the Arquebuses or Pistols with Flames of Devotion? It would seem its low per pellet damage wouldn't multiply well with Flames of Devotion etc. However if Boeroer says it's good, it's probably good, so who am I to argue? My only gripe is how talent intense this build is. I want so many talents early, and well, you can't get em all. -> Hiravias Weapon set 1: Greenstone Staff Weapon set 2: Captain Viccilo's Anger + Black Sanctuary (or Reghar Konnek just for style points...) Head: White Crest's Helm (helmet turned off...) Neck: Cape of the Master Mystic Armor: Blaidh Golan Hands: Gauntlets of Accuracy Ring: Ring of Protection Ring: Gathbin Family Signet Waist: Wildstrike Belt Boots: Viettro's Formal Footwear Comments: I've never played with Hiravias or a Druid before sooooooo...... Shrug? Hiravias and Sagani are my flex picks however. I would consider swapping them out with other characters. Maneha with Dragon's Maw Shield, Kana Rua with Dragon Thrashed for a 0 micro off-tank, Devil of Caroc ???, dunno. -> Sagani Weapon set 1: Stormcaller Weapon set 2: Wend-Walker Head: Helmet of Darksee Neck: Stalker's Torc Armor: Clothes Hands: Gauntlets of Swift Action Ring: Ring of Protection Ring: Ring of Thorns Waist: Sentinel's Girdle Boots: Glanfathan Stalking Boots Comments: Not much to say here, just trying to get her recovery speed down as much as possible. Cheers for any help to whoever is still out here!
  2. I've been wanting to make a party geared primarily (obviously not exclusively though) around sneak attack damage. It started with wanting to make a Priest of Skaen as my Watcher, and then figured it could be fun to gear a party around sneak attack and disabling enemies. Just looking for general suggestions for class/role toround out the final 2 spots in the party for me. It doesn't need complete overkill down to every talent/ability, just more of a sense of their role within the party. My current thought for the roster is as follows: 1) (Watcher) Skaen Priest - Buffs, Interdiction, possibly Aggrandizing Radiance, melee (either 1h/shield or DW) 2) Rogue (melee) - Max sneak attack damage, sneak enabling effects, possibly 1h crit focused melee 3) Ranger (ranged) - animal with Merciless Companion, wounding shot + binding roots + stunning shots to keep sneaks up 4) Fighter - tank focused on engagement/knockdowns, helps with sneak to some degree and just need a solid tank I don't feel like I have a good sense of what I'd like to feel the final 2 slots with. One idea was a chanter with chants/invocations focused on lowering enemy defenses and also applying sneak-related debuffs. Another was just a cc/de-buff wizard. Any suggestions are appreciated. (Note: this is likely for a hard/normal playthrough, not PotD)
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