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Found 2 results

  1. So recently my partner bought The Outer Worlds: Spacers Choice from steam on pc and everything shows up as the correct color, the menus, huds, and cutscenes all play with a normal color but the actual game itself is this weird yellow and white inverted type color scheme. When you look at a sun or planet it shows some reds but that is it. There were no changes on their part to the graphics menus and we have tried reinstalling and new save files as well as a few others and we are just trying to figure out how to work it :(( I genuinely hurts to look at its so bad
  2. Hello, and sorry for being the bringer of bad news on my first post. I've posted this same post to the game's steam forums, but I got no reply there, so I am posting it here as well, in hopes of getting it resolved. Basically I came back to the game after taking a break from it and buying The White March pt. 1, also having updated to Windows 10. I created a new game, exited for a different kind of playthrough with all self-made party, but something has happened to the character particle effects, they've become blocky, really low-res and misshapen with very low color count. I tried disabling Vsync to no avail, and fiddled with most of the other graphical settings. So far I've seen this problem with torches of the characters, and chanter chanting effect, I would presume other magic too. Admittedly I run an older graphics card, GeForce GX430 series if memory serves, but previously everything was fine when I played. I've also installed the latest Nvidia drivers recommended for my setup and OS. I added my output_log.txt to this post, but not the savegames for now, please do ask if you need me to add any other information. Anyone else had this problem, and any suggestions how to fix this. of course, hopefully this will be identified by the devs and ironed out on next patch, but it is a touch distressing and disappointing when I wanted to enjoy the game now. Thank you so very much <3 output_log.txt
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