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Found 3 results

  1. 3.05 patch is now live on Steam (GoG, and Mac stores will be early next week.) This is a baby patch, just 2 changes (listed below.) I cannot confirm/deny this will be our last patch. We will still be checking in on the forums and making sure nothing serious comes up. Only one fix: Stalwart auto-save no longer jumbles up creatures statsOnly one change: Dropped The Unlabored Blade 'Firebug' proc from 10% to 3% Keep on, keeping on, - Sking
  2. Hi all, I was fiddling around the Unity Asset Bundle Extractor today trying to figure out a way to change the % of a spell-proc effect on a weapon but I didn't have any luck. The main reason I'm doing this is to tune the unlabored blade back up to 10% spell chance to cast firebug. It seems that there are asset bundle files relating to the item itself and then asset bundle files relating to the spell effect. I thought that doing it on Wodewys (which has a 10% chance to cast nature's mark on crit/hit) would be an easy thing to start with rather than going in to a Soulbound weapon which is probably more complicated. So, for Wodewys there are three files: – px1_battle_axe_wodewys.unity3d – px1_spellchance_natures_mark.unity3d – px1_spellchance_natures_mark_ability.unity3d I did a bit of messing around with all of them and fiddling in the monobehaviour files to see if I could edit something that would increase the chance on hit for natures mark to 90% rather than 10% (just for science). The closest thing that I could actually find for a reference to this effect was a reference to "AbilityTriggerChance" in several places, but changing this from 0.1 to 0.9 or 1 to 9 in various instances and then doing the usual import/export dumping didn't do anything in game and the chance remained at 10%. halp pls? turning unlabored blade back to 10% firebug proc seems to be even more complicated than doing this.
  3. Description: The wording on Firebug says ""A fearsome ball of fire that bounces from enemy to enemy up to eight times, causing burn damage" but when i cast it and Eder is tanking, firebug will bounce to him as well. Steps to duplicate: 1.) Have a level 9 Druid, and a Tank of some sort (I used Eder). 2.) Engage an enemy group with at least two enemies. 3.) Cast Firebug once the enemies are grouped around eder. 4.) notice firebug will bounce to eder as well as the enemies. Expected Results: Firebug should not bounce to allies, or the wording should be changed to reflect this if the functionality is WAD (Working as Designed)
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