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Posts posted by constantine

  1. I don't like this. It'd just get us right back to where we started: cookie-cutter stat distributions for each class, or damn close anyway. This would also add more IMO unnecessary complexity.


    I say keep the current system but make it more impactful by doubling the mechanical effects and setting the baseline at 10 (penalties below, bonuses above), and make a few minor tweaks. I've made a few proposals; here's another one.


    MIG: Damage, Healing.

    CON: Health/Endurance.

    DEX: Accuracy.

    PER: Crit chance, Interrupt.

    INT:  AoE, Healing, Duration, Recovery time.

    RES: Concentration, Duration.


    I bound two things to attributes that currently aren't, crit chance and recovery time. Both are there to make the relevant attributes more valuable, as they're currently somewhat dumpable. Moved Healing from MIG to INT because it makes no sense on MIG but at least some sense on INT, and moved Duration to RES to make that more attractive. (RES is pretty important already, it's just hard to tell because of the lack of feedback.)



    My thought exactly ! Although I would still have Might govern the 'Healing Bonus'.

  2. It's not DnD with pre-buffs removed. It's a system designed from the ground up with no pre-buffs.


    The priest area-effect buffs are extremely powerful (too powerful ATM IMO), because many of them buff multiple defenses at once. I.e., they're already layered, as it were, but short-duration. The character self-buffs are usually relatively short-duration and activated extremely quickly. You won't layer them on either; you'll just use them as needed.


    Examples: Barbarian's Rage, Wild Sprint, and Savage Defiance, Wizard's Arcane Veil. The rogue's Escape ability is arguably similar.


    In practice, I've found that a typical combat goes something like this:


    (1) Spot enemy.

    (2) Move fighter forward in center, rogue forward a bit to the side.

    (3) Move fighter forward until he pulls in the enemy.

    (4) Priest casts buff.

    (5) Wizard casts offensive spell.

    (6) Hero does what a hero's got to do.

    (7) Roughly simultaneously, the priest buff takes effect, the wizard spell hits, and the fighter engages the enemy frontline.

    [8] Cast spells and use abilities as appropriate (hobble with rogue, knockdown with fighter, moar magic with wizard; I usually have the priest shoot things with guns at this point unless it's a really tough fight in which case I have her slap on an area debuff).

    (9) If your frontline is taking a beating, healing abilities kick in. The priest is obviously awesomest here, but if only one is in trouble and he happens to be a fighter, barb, paladin, or other with self-healing per-encounter abilities, use those.

    (10) If it really drags on, priest renews buff and/or debuff. (But it probably doesn't.)

    (11) Win.


    Okay, this is somewhat idealized given the currently clusterhugged state of the combat, but IME this is roughly the "standard" flow when fighting a mob. Obviously there's more to it like picking which targets to take down first, dealing with special abilities or attacks and so on and so forth, but, yeah.


    IMO the combat flow is actually not that different from IE/NWN combat flow. I'd usually open with a short-duration buff or debuff + area-effect damaging spell there too. The only difference is that in IE/NWN I'd go into the fight pre-buffed; here I don't, and the encounters are designed with this difference in mind.


    Finally: there is time to throw on the buff at the beginning of combat. If you know what the enemy can do, you can screen yourself with the appropriate defense before it nukes your party.


    And finally finally: IMO the combat is fundamentally sound. It's just currently terribly hard to find under the really poor feedback and critical pathfinding, AI, and general complete character freeze bugs.


    Thanks for your valuable feedback. Too bad there are so many bugs in combat ...   :unsure:

  3. I think this setting has enough high fantasy Tolkienism in it as it is. I enjoy that it's its own thing and not just the same races as everywhere. It gives it more character. I think adding more standard D&D races could quite possibly devalue it as a unique setting and discourage exploration in an "we've seen all these guys before anyway" fashion.


    Just my 2 cents. Feel free to disagree. :)


    I agree. I also enjoy the fresh scope on monsters. Like, when I was to see Troll pics for the first time, I expected something far more 'traditional'.


    But then, the trolls I saw were different. Congratz on that, as for the *new* monsters, they look very inspired.

    • Like 1
  4. ...


    There is still talk about a BG3 ?!


    IMO, the series were great for the time, but judging by later titles (like Planescape: Torment) or more importantly, by what Pillars of Eternity aspires to become, BG seems so, so lacking in so, so many aspects.


    Don't misunderstand, I love the series, they belong in my Top 10 fav titles, but I see absolutely no reason for another game, when one could always create a new title & story --using D&D ruleset if you so enjoy, why not ?


    D&D can be vast.

    • Like 5
  5. Of course, there's not much point to the puzzles unless it's the player that ultimately solves them, but I'd still like to see the skills and choice of companions of the character at least figure into the process. So for example, when presented with a riddle your character's intelligence would determine how many options you're given to choose from, with very low intelligence perhaps even hiding the correct answer, which one of your smarter companions could then point out to you if present -- and if they like you enough. ;)


    One does not need high intellect to solve riddles, rather than common sense and wits.




    Add 'hide helmet' ! I'd like to fight wearing my helmet and removing it when things are quiet, or when talking to some villagers.


    ... it's only natural right ??!

    No, it isn't. If you don't want to wear one while talking to some villagers you take it off when talking to some villagers. Hide helmet options are not natural because it makes helmets invisible, it doesn't automatically equip and unequip them based on combat state. Helmets don't spontaneously become invisible when you put them on.








    'Hide Helmet' is a viable, aesthetic choice. Many (including me) like to see their heroes' faces and not the helmet from time to time, even in battle.


    Plus I didn't say anything about automatic in/out of combat hide/shows just a normal 'hide helmet' option.

    • Like 1
  7. Romance would be a nice addition but is hardly necessary and more importantly does not lower the quality or experience of the game. It's the 1st adventure after all, have patience 'till PoE2, or, even better, use your imagination to fill the gaps and decide whom your protagonist romances with.


    The game does not have to offer all in the plate.

    • Like 2
  8. Is it too late? Really, after a long fought battle it would be nice to have an option to slap my companion on the fantasy buttocks and grunt, "You da man." I imagine the ensuing return text would be suitably bromantic...


    If this is not possible for PE at release, perhaps some (free?) bromance DLC. Or at least serious consideration for PE2.


    Anyone else hoping for this?






  9. All 11 are so fresh & balanced that choosing makes it hard work.




    Protagonist- Fighter


    Then I will choose among the companions met, judging by character rather than class.


    Then I will have to make the combination work  :)


    I don't want silent companions or maximizing my party efficiency (the more challenging, the better for me) so I won't create my own followers in the Adventurer's Hall.

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