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Everything posted by bhk2005

  1. xbox has less bugs, but less chance of getting a patch of any kind, content or otherwise (if there ever will be one) thats the trade-off i guess. I would've bought PC version if my computer would have stood any chance of playing it reasonably.
  2. I wuv you too (w00t)
  3. Not possible since LA has the last word on who uses the title "star wars" and "jedi" etc, there could be major legal implications if Obsidian and Bioware teamed up to do it without LA since they hold the license on this. Anything star wars goes through LA or doesn't happen
  4. Heh maybe they purposefully made it full of holes to make KotOR 3 :ph34r: if they did fix this one though, it will make me wish i bought it on PC...
  5. Yup might as well tie up loose ends and put KotOR to rest.
  6. From what I gather KotOR was never meant to be a saga anyway so LA probably should have left it at that, maybe they needed a quick cash injection so they churned out KotOR 2 quick knowing we'd all buy it simply because it was a sequel to a very impresive game, which I quite like despite the slow downs i have experienced, but that may be down to my dusty old x-box who knows. <_<
  7. Maybe, if they did make a special edition it wouldn't be happening for a bit with all the things Obsidian are doing right now (NWN 2). I'm guessing if such a thing did get made and deleted things there were in KotOR 1 were put in as well that would be Bioware's job to do yes? I don't think Bioware would bother with going back to a nearly 2 year old game. As for Obsidian I think KoTOR 2 is old news with them right now, making patches is about as big a stretch as they're going to do. If PC users get a content patch, you could knock me over with a breeze (w00t)
  8. I haven't heard of this bug before... usually you don't even need to take G0T0 back to him... you just go back after the quest is done and destroyed his yacht and he says "I see you don't have G0T0 chained behind you" then you say "No, but trust be he's been dealt with" and he then agrees to to begin shipping fuel to Telos.
  9. Are you speaking about If so its already in the game, you just have to have some influence with Kreia and ask if and that movie kicks in. Thus the movie is already present in the game. Not sure if this is in the PC version and you can#t view it otherwise, but i'm pretty sure its in the game just have to push the right buttons to find it :D
  10. 1) yes both Bao-Dur and Atton can be trained as Jedi when you gain enough influence them. 2) People seem to be ignorant as to where Revan has gone... depends on what you had Revan do in the first one, light side Revan seems to suggest he is fighting an unseen evil, i haven't played right the way through Dark side... so i can only guess at what the evil Revan might do in the farthest reaches of space - rallying an unseen evil perhaps? :ph34r:
  11. Not likely since MS isn't letting companies use xbox solely for patches, which is all a game such as KoTOR 2 would be used for, as its only a Single player game. I think you'll be in the same boat as the rest of us X users, sunk. Though i'm ok so far, i think they fixed a lot of bugs in the internation version who had to wait until 11th of Feb (w00t)
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