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Pyros Eien

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Everything posted by Pyros Eien

  1. Currently when you use a Full attack with dual wield, it attacks with each weapon one after the other. However you can interupt the 2nd hit and do something else instantly because the recovery starts after the 2nd hit, not the first. You will still get the first hit worth. Basically, you can transform your full attack ability into a normal attack ability at the same cost and with no recovery. This can be used for example to apply several debuffs from full attacks(rogue abilities like crippling strike and blinding strike) or to "dump" your class ressources to do very high damage bursts since you get the 1st attack repeatedly with no recovery. Early game this isn't that useful but late game when you start having 8+ ressources, this lets you attack as many times as you have ressources in a row, letting you take out nasty targets near instantly.
  2. That's what I thought too but I tested various areas because of this. That's why I changed my level on the boat and not on the beach when I used the console, and after checking the beach, I went all the way to the digsite. It's possible the entire island is one single non scaling area though but I don't really want to bother doing the whole thing(although I guess it wouldn't be that long maybe I'll check tomorrow). This post also comes as a reaction to my experience when I entered the Oathbinder Sanctum or whatever(quest just southwest of Neketaka) on my 2nd save after I restarted in that same place on my first save because the game was too easy, and it was exactly the same on my 2nd save(which has scaling). Both are level 10(2nd one has a bit more xp while first was 9 when I entered and lvled to 10 inside) and both see the exact same stats, and the stats are way too low for a lvl 10 place, I think I have like 15more accuracy without buffs than the enemies' deflection, on potd. One thing I haven't tested is advancing the main quest, which I might try tomorrow. It's possible for some weird reason they tied the scaling entirely to the main quest progress. So advancing the main quest would check my level and apply the scaling. I'll try tomorrow to do the main quest on the first island and try an area outside too while I'm at it with my lvl 15 scaling save.
  3. Yeah I saw a reddit post about scaling issues just now and it said that but the guy was saying the same thing, their accuracy is the same. Basically the option doesn't do anything so doing all quests will still outlevel you and you'll still stomp everything even more than you would usually. But eh at least you can't see if something is higher level than you anymore so you can run into a lvl 15+area at lvl 5 and get one shot, so that's different than choosing no scaling /s.
  4. For all in all cases. I tested the panthers because I assume they're part of the critical path, since you need the notes in the digsite for the main quest, although technically I think you might be able stealth past them. I also tested the boars on the beach at the start. I increased the level in the boat, in case it checks when the island loads or whatever. I also have 2 "main" saves further in the game after clearing Neketaka and both are lvl 10 in the same area(the oathbinder sanctum) as that's where I decided to reroll my first char because it was too easy, but both show the same result too, nothing seems to be scaling there(but it's side content). 1st had no scaling, 2nd has scaling on all, only up. Oh and in case there's something bugged with that specifically, all tests were done with PotD difficulty.
  5. After restarting a game to get level scaling on, I noticed it didn't seem to make much of a difference, so I decided to try to figure it out using the console. I made 3 new characters, all the same stats(18 might/dex/per fighters, tanked resolve, few passives taken other than defensive stuff, 1H damage using axe, most of the other stuff is random crap that does nothing). On one character, I used Berath blessing and was lvl 4. This was the non scaling character. As expected, most enemies were tough to beat solo(I left companions out of the tests) and getting to the panthers encounter in the digsite was an instant wipe in seconds. On the 2 other characters, I used the console to level to 15. On one I selected scale all, on the other I selected scale all only up. I did both because when I did only up I couldn't tell if it did anything and thought maybe only up was bugged. The result is basically what you'd expect from a lvl 15 walking in a low level area, I was getting hit a lot less, with many more grazes, although I was still getting hit. I was killing stuff a decent bit faster. I could solo the panther encounter, but losing almost all my life(that's without using any skills, without optimal choices of abilities/passives and with the start mail armor+1h axe no shield setup and cleaving stance mind you, I wouldn't lose any health activating buffs and actually playing the game). Monsters have the same defenses(including deflection) on the tooltip, they have the same health(60-61 health on the boar on the beach for example). The only thing that they might have more of is accuracy so they can't still hit you, but I'm not even sure of that since again, was getting hit a lot less. I made sure to check panthers during daytime on both(at night time they get +10deflection). Is level scaling still done "by act" even though the act aren't visible. So for example I won't trigger a level scaling check until I reach act2, wherever that is(neketaka queen maybe?) so everything that's in "act 1" doesn't scale up? But how does the scaling down work then, why does that part work(I assume, but I haven't seen anyone complain about it) but not the other way? It seems to me that level scaling upwards just doesn't do anything. That's a large part of why the game is boringly easy.
  6. The only issue really is that when scaling only up is on, the game basically should behave the same as if no scaling was on. Stuff that's lower doesn't have a difficulty indicator and that's fine because it doesn't need one, and stuff that's up doesn't get scaled so it should display the same as normally. But I guess it has to do with scaling only up coding somehow still scaling stuff that's higher, then rechanging it back to what it was rather than leaving it. It does make for a pretty poor experience when you can't tell if you're entering a lvl 15 area at lvl 5 or not, especially with the open ended system of exploration.
  7. Since the modding stuff was released(see reddit frontpage) and lets you use the console without messing up your achievements, you can kinda fix this by yourself by giving yourself the abilities. I just did it and it seems fine, I respeced then added the watcher abilities and the skill trainings I paid for back, relaunched the game normally and it didn't seem to affect my ability to get achievements. I'd assume it'd work the same for chanter stuff but my issue was different since I play a Cipher.
  8. Slightly related but not nearly as annoying, if you respec a Wizard who has learned spells that you have currently in your spellbook, the spellbook won't give you the spells back after the respec, they're removed when you respec. This is however easily fixed by simply re-equipping the spellbook, and the spells re-appear.
  9. Can confirm having the same issue. Lvl 8 Beguiler Cipher, if I respec I lose my 2 watcher skills(Mien of Death Herald and No Pity for the Lost) as well as my 2 trained skills stuff I bought for 3k each. I do seem to retain my starting spell so that's something I guess. I tried resting first, tried in an inn and a random shop, tried moving the character in first slot, tried several times to see if it was random, nothing worked. Edit: The other skills are Geirvard's Training and Granis' Training, which give +1 to Arcane/History and +1 to Survival/Athletics.
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