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Everything posted by Thomas-Meyer

  1. No, I am not. I am pissed. I waited three months for this game, it was going to be the greatest moment of my life when I got to play it, I installed it and it didn't work. What would you do?
  2. take the game and shove it up obsidians :">
  3. the books are OK the only way to really end star wars would to be to fulfill the prophecy about the one who would bring balance to the force and the only way that would happen would be a final sith-jedi war where afterwards the force dies out so that no man can tap into it again
  4. what company are you with?
  5. there is no help run while you still can!!!
  6. a young boy's desire to play the sith lords ( a silent movie) kotor (w00t) kotor 2 is coming out!!! the release date has been changed? :D (w00t) :cool: " (w00t) I GOT KOTOR2!!! it's not working here's a fix not a fix :cool: here's a fix not a fix here's a fix :"> not a fix (w00t) ooh a patch $%$!@! PATCH!!! plot to take out certian manufacturers if I don't get my patch
  7. i have intel exteme graphics too and it also said error this file C:\DOCUME~1\Oner\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER4E.tmp.dir00\appcompat.txt can't find it though
  8. run kotor click on the configure run the test save as a file and post that file here thx
  9. fix it so intel users can play the sith lords i play kotor FINE!!!
  10. what video card do you have?
  11. 1.3 can run KotOR I played kotor with just that much kotor two is f'd up so you'll never be able to play that one
  12. exactly "most I've seen in any game...ever" i'm guessing 33% of buyers have suffered the black screen of death
  13. I have an idea for how KotOR 3 could work. The game begans with you be questioned on Revan and Exile's paths and appearances. After that you create your character and hit play. A movie opens in a bluish tint (a dream). You witness a lightsaber battle between two cloaked figures. As they fight one grows and the other shrinks. The larger delivers a crushing blow to the shrinking one. The shrinking slips and falls into a chasm. The camera's zoom in and you see Exile's screaming face. You awake in a cold sweat and recieve a message informing you are late (btw you begin as a jedi) for your shuttle to Coruscant. You rush out and your first two group members join you. You get on the shuttle and leave for Coruscant. While in hyperspace you are forced out by a ship similar to an Interdictor and attacked by pirates. Okay this taking way too long. Basically you spend the game searching the outer rim and unknown territories for exile. On your journey you meet revan (who is disquised) and he joins your party. He tells you the Sith have been quiet for so long because they are massing a force in the Unkown Territories. well it's late i can't think of the rest all the destinies are fulfilled Or when you meet revan you awake on the ebon hawk from the vision and realize you are exile and your destinies will then be fulfilled possibilities revan-dark exile-dark you-dark revan-light exile-dark you-dark revan-light exile-light you-dark all-light revan-dark exile-light you-dark revan-dark exile-light you-light revan-dark exile-dark you-light
  14. yeah it's pretty bad and from what ive seen intel graphics card users who played kotor are being f'd up by tsl
  15. wow-i didn't think it was this bad
  16. forget revan and the exile the next kotor should deal with the hyperspace war or the sith war with exar kun
  17. go black screen of death!!!
  18. sad, so far 1/4 have gotten the game to work perfectly
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