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About Abc123rage

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  1. I love you guys man I just finished White March part 2, this game is the best game I have ever played my highest rated single player games are Dragon Age: Origins and Pillars of Eternity these are the games I have enjoyed the most out of all of my RPG experiences. Anything to do with Pillars of Eternity is instantly getting a pre order for me in the future give me merchandise give me stuff to collect!
  2. Cool beans can't wait for the final version of 2.02
  3. Hey Aarik did you need anything else or is that all the information you need?
  4. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3J7Kynsy9nQUDM2ampZN1g1X00&usp=sharing I think that link should work, I've never tried making a public folder before. EDIT: I noticed something else... Bhaal used his own passive critical defense, to convert his own critical hit into a normal hit -__- wtf EDIT: I uploaded another screenshot with Bloody Slaughter working in combat against 100% hp targets, just in case it was only bugging out when I attacked my own party members. >>> I also think Death Godlike passive is working properly after beating up the inn a couple times. EDIT: I think Bloody Slaughter is just converting the hit to a crit and not doing bonus damage as well as activating no matter what percentage of hp the target is on. EDIT: I think that ogre has a missing texture now that I think about it. EDIT: Tidefalls Raw damage is showing up as *EffectError* in the combat log. Uploaded a pic to the folder. EDIT: Is Concelhauts doom meant to crit for 500ish? uploaded a picture.
  5. Ok I just have to load up my save and make another character with Bloody Slaughter, I only just woke up. (Australia)
  6. I believe my Death Godlike and Bloody Slaughter passives are in full effect against every enemy no matter what amount of health they are on full or near death.
  7. I'm pretty sure that wounding does stack I used Tidefall my entire playthrough and it seems like it, pretty easy to test, I would but I'm heading to bed right now.
  8. Wooo love me some update notes.
  9. I don't even run a Wizard, not because I don't like them in Pillars of Eternity, I just hate all Wizards except like Elminster anywho... I don't even use my per encounter spells on my Priest really if anything its just convenience really, well now I just booted up Pillars and check out Aloth and his deal. My conclusion is that it is balanced. Yup as far as I'm concerned it's pretty legit I've gone through POTD a bunch of times, not 100% if its balanced for Wizards. If anything I would like to see diminishing returns on the increase of Accuracy on lower level spells as you get higher level.
  10. Can't get it past phase 2, tried re-equipping re-binding, vanilla enemies, white march enemies as well as both vessels and non vessel enemy types.
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