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About CloudwalkerOP

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  1. Oh, I've found another one, I don't know if it's posted, anyway ... Every single time that I exit and back to Od Nua Lvl. 6 I can loot a tomb with gold and armor chest, I won't exploit it to make infinite money but I could ... Screenshot: http://i.gyazo.com/b147cdcd1ebc7d11d7f63f0275d17f53.jpg
  2. I've found a little bug at the mission "At all costs" (Spoilers): When I killed Verzano and the guards, the Danna's healer doesnt stop to heal my party and combat doesnt finish. Hopefully, I've saved the game.
  3. That demagogy ... For Spain, Colombia and Peru means the same, so don't bull****, Latin American countries also differ in many aspects between them, let's do translations for each other !! Even if the biggest quantity of spanish speakers don't lives in Spain, keep in mind the number of potential customers because Sout American is not exactly "first world", not even close. I agree with a neutral spanish translation but it's so hard to achive. For my Latin brothers: Mientras la traducción no sea en un lenguage coloquial y sea culto se entenderá perfectamente en cualquier parte. Si introducimos expresiones de unos u otros hispanohablantes esto se vuelve un caos, que tanto nuestras expresiones como las vuestras nos suenan ridículas entre nosotros pero solo el tono informal de la casa o de la calle.
  4. What about Skyrim merchants mechanics? "Do you want sell me your scrap? Great, but I only have 50 coins." Little details, sure, however it's more believable.
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