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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. The game feels a lot worse than Kotor 1. I would actually attribute this to TSL being smaller game, and set in cookie-cutter universe. First game had all-the-same looking ships and corridors, but at the same time there were gems like Manaan. Big planets, big levels, big areas. There was something to break the monotony. TSL......I think Telos and Nar Shaadaa got done first, and then they ran out of time. That would certainly explain the rest of the planets that take 3 hours at most to do. Malachor V looked great from space....even at that ****ty movie quality. HOwever, once I got down there, I felt like I was playing HalfLife or AvP......utterly pathetic quality.
  2. So the initial release was a big flop. And a month from now, a patch will fix majority of graphics problems and stability issues. However, people who expect a "complete ending" are in for a very long wait. Full story line, romance, etc. will not be coming in first or second patch, it's simply not possible without adequate testing. And now (I can't verify this, at work, but I'll definitely check it once I get home) I just read that sound encoding is terrible. I couldn't tell b/c I just got Audigy 2 yesterday, with 5.1 speaker set. So.....sometime 6 months down the road game will maybe be playable again. But this is now, and after finishing the game once, I don't feel like going through it again. It's all completely linear and busted. It's incredibly easy, even if my char was a sentinel/master with AC never getting above 35. And I am NOT looking forward to playing it again with mono sound on my brand spanking new sound setup. No thank you, sir. I have uninstalled it already and put Doom 3 on instead. I think I'll go for "scare myself and everyone around me to death" approach now. All this said, how does one go about getting their $$ back? No retailer nowdays takes back opened PC games. Half-Price books have cut down on # of PC games they buy (well, last time I sold them games was 2 years ago, and even new ones were $15 at most).
  3. Sorry, but a computer tech should know that there's no such thing as "corrupted OS which you fix by running scandisk". Here's what happened to your machine: While you were playing and experienced a crash, file write was happening. When your machine came back up, it detected that some files on your HD were bad. This is absolutely normal behavior for recovering from a hard crash. FAT32 filesystem was particularly bad at it, and had to scandisk every time kernel crash would occur (kernel crashes are the ones that reboot you/bluescreen you). NTFS is much better at it, but I have in fact seen scandisk performed by Windows before startup after a (well, not exactly) a crash. So before you say that Kotor2 corrupted your OS, think for a moment. If TSL somehow uninstalled and reinstalled Windows for you, then yes, it would be a corrupted OS. But all you got was a fricken crash, which caused windows to boot into safe mode and run a scandisk. Boo hoo. You do that every time you yank powercord out by accident, or have a power spike, or just press power button without shutting down.
  4. Atris academy bug: when learning from Handmaidens, game does not enforce the "no force powers, no stimulants" rule required for some fights. This allows one to cheat by juicing up before the fight, and fighting with shields on. This is, however, enforced when learning from Handmaiden on the Hawk, game will remove all effects from character as soon as fight starts.
  5. So I ranted and raved about how KoToR2 was crashing almost constantly on my machine. Now I look like an idiot (At least in my own eyes). Basically.......for people who upgraded their computers before buying this game: check your power supply and see if your existing PSU is adequate enough to power hte new things you put in. I've had a problem with cooling my 2800+ I bought a few months ago, so I turned it down to 1.6GHz. System was stable at that point, and KoToR1/NWN played perfectly fine thanks to my 5900 nVidia. Before buying TSL, I picked up a new fan for the CPU and changed settings to be what they should be: 333Mhz bus, 2800+ CPU, 2.1GHz, vs 266Mhz bus, 2200+ 1.6GHz CPU. Put in a new PSU (350W). Finally I decided to turn the system down to original settings. Immediately every crash went away. So the moral of the story is: if you like tinkering with your computers (and you got a video card that requires its own power connector), make sure you're using correct PSU unit. Otherwise you'll encounter weird behavior.
  6. Couple of bugs: 1. Handmaiden body armor bug. When you ask her to teach you few moves, she takes off body armor, but after fight is done, body armor is not present in the inventory anywhere and does not reappear appear until you take her with you outside the ship. 2. AA/AF: In swkotor.ini file, there are 2 places where FullScreen is declared. One is in graphics section, and that's the one that seems to control how game loads. My PC had a problem with AA/AF settings: if AA/AF was enabled, next time I played game, it'd start in windowed mode, and given that resolution was higher than one on my desktop..well, have a problem here. To fix that, need to set FullScreen = 0 to 1 in Graphics section, not just first (Game, I think). 3. Geeda trading routes quest. After you do stabilize situation on Dantooine and Onderon, quest description doesn't update, so you kinda have to just go to Nar Shaadaa again and see if you can get lucky with finishing that quest. Which you do.
  7. I work for www.ni.com. Our code is expected to run for months without a single crash.
  8. Wait a sec...you do driver development for a living yet you're not even sure what card you're running? wow. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Attempted sarcasm. I saw all those ATI crash posts......
  9. Why would this NOT be fixed?! How can a game be released with a known bug that does not allow the game to be played? (and yes the bug does exist. It happens like clockwork for me) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This isn't beta. In my company, this would be considered late development early alpha. Our beta device drivers are shipped out to customers with notes like "This feature is not supported, but we implemented it anyway, but use it at your own risk and we reserve rights to change API/behavior later".
  10. Well, here's my problem: I have random crashes to desktop. Happens in game, in battle, in movies, in dialogs, in equipment screen, in workbench, etc. I think the only place I haven't crashed yet is main game screen, before any games are loaded. I have a 2800+ XP, 640M, XP SP2. FX 5900 with 128M, 66.67 driver. Old SB PCI sound card. DxDiag checks out, all tests run fine. I do have an onboard sound chip as well (nForce 2 motherboard), both SB and nForce2 chips work. I've tried 1280x1024 and 1024x768 res. Tried turning off all eyecandy. Tried disabling sound. Nothing helps. When game runs, it runs great. But I crash every 5 minutes or so. Sometimes as often as 1 minute, although this happened so far on Nar Shaadaa landing pad and Dxun jungle only. If I play with AA/AF enabled, after I crash, game comes up in windowed mode, and will not go fullscreen unless I turn AA/AF off. So thats my story. Any help would be appreciated. If I could locate a crash report, I'd do so, but so far no luck.
  11. Open the config file, swkotor2, and change FullScreen = 1 to 0.
  12. Translating from PHB into normal language: Uhhh...we got a memory leak somewhere, we don't know where/don't have time to fix it, so lets just include it in the readme file and hope nobody notices. Problem is....well, people notice. I can't play the game, it crashes regularly. If I can go for more than 5 minutes, it's unheard of. And I have a fricken FX 5900 and PC power to spare. If I can run Doom 3, I ought to be able to run KoToR 2, but guess what.....OE just gave me a finger. I don't think people want to hear whiny excuses about how big bad Lucas Arts forced them to ship early. As it is, the game is unplayable, and I wonder how it ever passed QA. If I told my manager at work that my group wanted to ship product with a memory leak in it.....I'd be cleaning out my desk before lunch. This game isn't even beta quality. It's alpha, pure and simple.
  13. Well, I never thought I'd see a buggy piece of software like this. And I do driver development for a living. How wrong was I. I'm pretty sure that I have a 5900 FX (well, no ****, drivers install, board says it's 5900), but on my machine, I can't play for 5 minutes without a crash. If AA or AF is turned on, game starts in a window. At 1280x1024 with AA/AF off and everything else on, game crashes every 1-5 minutes, depending on area. Nar Shaddaa landing pad and Drux are the worst so far (Drux is where I am) Turning down res doesn't matter. Turning off eye candy doesn't matter. Turning off sound doesn't matter. Install latest drivers? Doesn't matter. Funny......Nwn and KOTOR1 run flawlessly. I guess that's how much difference there is between Bioware and OE/LA. Yes, I understand hte complexities involved in writing complex pieces of software, and **** that has to run on many systems. But this is RETARDED.
  14. I can't quite pinpoint this.....I sure hope it's not the game itself, but I'm pretty much out of other options. Game crashes to desktop in random places. Movies, equipment screen, in game. I've noticed that on the nar shaddaa landing pad, I was sometimes crashing every minute. Doing Dxun now, and crashing a lot again. In other areas, crashes are less frequent. I installed 66.67 drivers. I got a 2800+ XP, 640M mem, SP2, 5900 non-cripped FX. Last thing I can think of is audio (but I got an old crappy SB 32 bit or something), as I hear a lot of cracking sound in certain areas of the game (but it doesn't seem to crash there). So....has anyone seen random crashes all over the place with 66.67 on nVidia? How did you fix them?
  15. Ah yes, that should do it.
  16. In the hangar bay, to open doors to the duel depot, T3 needs to spike the central console. Spikes are stored in a locked storage room and door is sealed and has to be blasted with a mine. You get mines from a tech corpse in fuel depot (1st trip there), but I can't arm the mine, skill is too low.
  17. How exactly is T3 supposed to blast the door if it doesn't have the skills to do it? Skill too low all over, what's next? And if I restart, what exactly can I do different?
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