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Everything posted by Thought-Fully

  1. I'd have to go with Obsidian Entertainment, or Oddworld Inhabitants.
  2. I have a lot of computer games, but they aren't installed on it. The ones installed: Warcraft 3: RoC Warcraft 3: TFT Starcraft Starcraft Brood War The Sims 2 Sims- All expansion packs Sims Online Command & Conquer Age of Empires Age of Mythology That's basically it.
  3. Huh? I don't even get that part... If your making fun of my grammar I should point out that I'm not even American, and your discriminating against people who make grammatical mistakes. You must need glasses if your having trouble reading. ok wise guy do I need to draw a diagram for you? Let's say this car is going 50 miles an hour: _-Car / -------------------/ The car would go off the jump and have a bit of hangtime and then start to go down. In Mercenaries the car has hardly any hangtime at all and instead just falls down. I will not waste anymore time trying to explain something to someone who is clearly retarted. /sarcasm We all clearly know I typed "I went to Jupiter" in my post.... and we all know how the "genuis" Epiphany spotted it out and of course has proof that I wasn't exaggerating. /end sarcasm BTW, which force powers don't work? Does that power retivilize (sp?) not work?
  4. I said gravity pushes down HARD. maybe if you could read properly you would understand. I mean it feels like your on Jupiter and when you go off a jump you hardly move. Perhaps improper physics will sound better to you. /sarcasm Yeah, because we all no how NOONE rides off jumps. Everyone on a bike just rides on the ground. /end sarcasm Did I ever say I did jumps off rooftops?
  5. LS Male: Aidan LS Female: Talim DS Female: Sylvanas DS Male: Nightmare
  6. I have a lot... Led Zeppelin The Who Rolling Stones The Beatles The Guess Who Metallica Lynyrd Skynyrd Snoop Dog (yes somewhat odd...) U2 AudioSlave Pearl Jam Van Halen Jimi Hendrix Cream Boston Pink Floyd Nirvana Bruce Springsteen AC/DC Collins I like mostly Rock & Roll with the exception of Snoop Dog (cool guy... cool guy)
  7. fine red text for now on
  8. That may be true, but there are some units thata come pretty darn close. Take fiends fully upgraded for instance, they dominate in the ranged category AND in the anti-air category. I personnaly think Starcraft is much more balanced then Warcraft 3. Starcraft has absolutely no dominating units. Out of 4 years on Warcraft 3 and 4 years on Starcraft, I would have to say Starcraft has a much more nice community. For example, you go on Battle.net (Warcraft 3) and do something wrong in a.... 4v4 Random Team game let's say. Immediatly, the word "N00b" will appear 5,000 times on the screen from your not only opponents, but enemies. Now let's say you prove someone wrong in a chatroom. Soon you will see either the word "N00b" or a inappropriate word accross the screen. My point is that if you do ANYTHING wrong, the word "N00b" will be seen on your screen 100,000,000,000 times. I find Starcraft had a more welcoming community. Now a lot of people are complaining about Heroes. Blizzard said that Heroes would bring a "new" strategy to the Warcraft series. All heros brought was a creep fest. The only point in warcraft is the following: Creep, Mass, and Micro. Also known as CMM to the more advanced players. Starcraft isn't much better though. It's based on luck. You make some units and hope they can counter the opponents. You really don't mix units in Starcraft. All in all, they are both fairly good games, but sequals are never as good as the original.
  9. heh I don't appreciate the sarcasm <_< I mean it feels like your being pushed down hard, whereas in GTA it's very realistic driving.
  10. I voted yes. I found nothing wrong with KOTOR 2 except for the few times I froze. And even though I froze, it was probaly because I played it 20 hours straight. I liked the influence system except for the fact that there was no way to measure how much influence you got. The quests were fairly challenging too. One thing I did NOT like was the planets. I didn't find too many of them that fun, and it felt like hard work instead of playing a game. I feel it's like grand theft auto, but it doesn't feel as free. When driving you are normally just driving between two cliffs and if you go off a jump it feels like gravity is pushing you down. If your into war games where you call out your commands I guess you'd like it.
  11. Oh whoops I said yes because I thought you meant "Was he ever on Malachor?" I think he left Malachor though, because if he remained on Malachor at the acedemy he would be blown to pieces and the story wouldn't make sense. Good idea though.
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