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About seamus

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  1. The game won't start for me while I am online. If I turn off my wireless it works fine. The issue is that it tries to connect to Google play games, I get a dialogue asking me to select my account, I do that, but it then goes back to the 'connecting to Google play games' screen and repeats. It works fine when I am offline, and other games that use Google play games work fine. It was working correctly yesterday, and I have not changed anything on this since then. I have opened the Google play games app to make sure I am signed into that. I am using an android tablet. Let me know if there's any other information you need, or if you have any ideas of anything I can try my end.
  2. It can be risky, and I wouldn't use it at the start of the scenario, but it is useful when you've already cleared the most ally-heavy decks and are trying to run through the last 2 or 3 locations.
  3. In my opinon moving allies to the top is not very useful, as if you can find them with Augury you were probably going to get them anyway. Moving monsters to the bottom of the deck seems more useful though, as you both avoid having to encounter them yourself and gain a small buffer of cards you're happy for Black Magga to eat. Other effects that let you put cards to the bottom of the location deck are also good for this (web, paralyse, Seelah, etc).
  4. Seems like an easy one to fix..., but I can't think of any other working powers that have a 3-way selection like that.Aside from obviously being a bug, I have my doubts it is even completely implemented... Other similar power that is working in Kyra's 'Dawnflower's Favourite', which would have been potentially more awkward to code as there isn't many other circumstances of loading cards to the top of the deck. (Speculation on code follows, feel free to ignore, I should delete but I've written it now, may as well post it) If the deck is implemented by an arraylist it isn't really much different to recharging a card, but depending on how their overall code is designed, it may not be trivial to directly access the deck in that way. Whereas recharging and shuffling are things that the game does often enough that they'd have functions prewritten for that. As you say, it might just be not implemented yet.
  5. Strange that it's been around a while, it should be an easy one to fix. I guess it doesn't effect many people currently, but with later decks being unlocked more people will meet it eventually.
  6. Since I upgraded Seelah's Inheritor's Favour skill to the second level (Inheritor's Favourite), it has stopped working. Her blessings of Iomedae are just discarded like other blessings when played. Same happens whether they're played for a die or for an explore. Using Galaxy Tab S2, Android 6.0.1 Pfid-e3b555a2d143310e Story mode, happens in all locations and scenarios that I have tested. Pass & play and permadeath are both off.
  7. Did you try selecting multiple characters? For me, it allowed me select all characters there (on android). The card text says 'each character ... may' so they have to give you an option of not giving the reshuffle to everyone in the location.
  8. Don't worry too much about having the exact cards you want for a specific build. It's enough to have a general idea of the kind of cards you want, and gradually replace them as you go. Eg when someone says that a masterwork thieves tools is essential for a certain character, if you want that for your character build, give them a regular theives tools until you get a masterwork one, or just be prepared to spend blessings or spells if you don't have that.
  9. You're right, they don't show up there for some reason. If you want to see them you can access them from the games main menu, click options then achievements.
  10. I know, I just thought a step by step instruction might be useful to him. Although, I just noticed the subject. OP, characters start at level 1, not level 0. Although they shouldn't have levels shown at all in story mode, only in quest mode.
  11. When you go to create a new party, in the top left corner there is a label called 'filter characters', and two numbers. First number is the amount of experienced characters you have, second is the maximum number you can have (24). If you already have 24 experienced characters, you will need to delete some of your existing ones to make room. Click on the 'experienced' button. Select the character you want to delete. Click on the round button beside the character portrait (small button with 3 dots) Click delete. Select the next character to delete and repeat these steps until you have enough room for your new party. Hope this helps.
  12. I had a similar situation today I was just coming to report. Replaying 'The Cult Exposed' with a new party, I enter an infinite loop when encountering Justice Ironbriar. What happens is I encounter JI, get the prompt to evade to the Temple, choose not to evade, choose a character to encounter a random monster, defeat that monster, encounter JI, get the prompt to evade to the Temple, etc. Choosing to evade ends that characters turn as would be expected. If I empty my hand of cards (by discarding weapons, taking damage, etc), I get a similar situation as the poster above. I forfeited and restarted a couple of times until he would spawn at the Temple location thinking that it might be caused by the evade prompt interaction, but when he was encountered in the temple I had the exact situation as described by the OP.
  13. This is normal and expected behaviour. The character progression is completely different between the two modes, so there wouldn't really be any sensible way of integrating characters from one mode to the other.
  14. I gave Harsk a spell slot on his last card feat. He won't be able to keep the same spell until after the next expansion, but the idea was to put a Cure spell in every time I'm rebuilding his deck post-game, and if he doesn't need it when he draws it it's easy to recharge. Hasn't quite worked out as planned as there always have been new spells picked up during the game. I think he currently has a Restoration.
  15. So I noticed these while playing the Fortress of the Stone Giants locations today on heroic difficulty. Some of them may be present in other circumstances. In Sandpoint Under Siege, Longtooth was summoned at a closed location contrary to the scenario description. In Jorgenfist, in addition to the issues with summoned monsters mentioned in another thread, when Galenmir was applying his damage, on the first character (Ezren) he rolled a 4 but only did 1 damage instead of 3. On the second character (Lini) he rolled d4 + 1 instead of d4 - 1. Also in Jorgenfist, but possibly not related to the region, when discarding a blessing to use Lini's Beastform ability, it counted the blessing as having been played for its effect as well. That is, it changed her 1d4 to 2d10. I don't usually discard blessings for this, so don't know if it happens elsewhere.
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