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About zuljor

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  1. Incorrect version of: D:\GOG\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\conversations\companions\companion_cv_durance_v2.conversation There was also a third file to copy. Could somebody please upload this 1.03 file also? Thanks in advance
  2. Obsidian is dealing with this issue like my 50 year old father deals with my 80 year old grandmother: Approving in front of everybody her sometimes very eccentric behaviour (see the official update), but then belittling her in private talks with other family members (see new poem: Here lies Firedorn, a bard, a poet; He was also a card, but most didn't know it; A poem he wrote in jest was misread; They asked for blood, so now he's just dead) A false pad on the shoulder, thereby preventing a serious discussion and a search for a consensus only leads to much more false pads in the future and a growing unhappiness for both parties.
  3. Is the loading screen crash for 32-Bit Machines with 4GB Ram in certain areas (Gilded Vale) addressed in this patch (i don't see any mention of it) or in future patches? Because the workaround with the 3gb switch doesn't work for some xp users https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71892-loading-screen-game-crash/page-2
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