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About Lexi_S

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    SC - US
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Elves and stuff
  1. I always use the Jal Shey robes (sp), I believe I have two sets of the adepts kind. Good on defence for robes
  2. Whats the point in going into the tombs though? They were completed and pillaged by Reven during KOTOR I - 5 years ago. I have to admit that Korriban was very disappointing though. They could have at least have the space port function to some level... that would have made sense
  3. I am just about to fight Darth Traya and I never found all the pieces if HK...come to think of it thats probably a blessing as although sometimes amusing he can be really annoying at times. Fond Reminicing: Remember master how Reven never played me because I would just talk all the time... <_<
  4. I have played a female and have gotten the precognative power... I am assuming you are referring to the power to see whats coming... hence precognative "
  5. I put a silver double lightsabre with the silverly looking Val Shay (?) armour/robes for that lightside look
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