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About ctdavids

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  1. [Description of the issue] Once you make Merdreth hostile (by telling him you let the thief go), he remains hostile despite loading a game from a prior time [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] 1) Load the attached game and notice that Merdreth isn't hostile 2) Tick off Merdreth 3) Load the attached game 4) Notice how his party is hostile and attacks (without giving you the xp for completing the quest) [Expected behaviour] Game state should be determined by the contents of the save game file, not what happened before you loaded the game. [Files] Saved game: hostility.zip
  2. And now you only have to set it once and never think about it again, no matter how many games you start. Pros/cons.
  3. Couldn't agree more. Inventory is there to make the game work and not to be the game itself.
  4. Most items have a base value and a couple specific values. Like platemail has (made up numbers, but spread based on recollection) 20% DR base, but 40% DR against slashing and only 10% DR against lightning. DT has similar effects. I assume they operate on a "most specific" value system. Though, the whole DR/DT thing (as well as accuracy vs. defences) lacks any explanation in the game save for reading the combat log. I don't think the short forms are even expanded anywhere.
  5. Is it just me, or is the only place you can see weapon damage ranges on the character screen? You can't see them on the weapons anymore. That's pretty awkward. Am I blind?
  6. Thanks for the update BMac. You know, you could have just said it may take a few days... and if ready sooner surprise us with an "early" release. And if not, have some breathing room to wrap things up. Indeed. Listen to Scotty: (Replace "Starfleet Captains" with "Backers") P.S. Hope that's watchable in places that aren't Canada. Never can tell.
  7. You call that living? ;p
  8. Thanks for all the hard work guys and gals. Looking forward to seeing everything you've done!
  9. A valid note illathid. Obviously the "appropriate" inventory design depends on the game in question. And yes, of course, we're talking about PoE here
  10. My personal preference is for an unlimited ability to loot. While I recognize that it lacks 'realism', I find the other options (leaving loot behind, returning to town mid-quest to sell) break immersion worse for me than just not having to think about inventory space. I don't enjoy inventory management as a mini game and basically the least intrusive the better from my point of view. Obviously, people disagree with me though so I'm curious to see where people fall.
  11. So there's been a lot of discussion about the inventory system (here, for instance: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68039-sensukis-suggestions-014-non-terrible-inventory-mockup/) and we know that in a coming patch the number of inventory slots per-character will be going up to 16 (from 8 ). It seems, however, like people have all sorts of different preferences for inventory systems. I'm curious about how the preferences split among all those who read the forums (and not just the vocal) so here we are. A caveat: I don't necessarily expect or advocate following a majority-rules approach here (or in any design decision). That said, I think information is good. Now, I've divided this into several polls because I think there are actually a variety of issues surrounding this topic and (hopefully) this split will lead to more useful data. If you think I've missed something, let me know and maybe I can add it, although I'm maxed on # of questions. Anyway, on to a description of the various questions. Looting Limitations This relates to how much you can pick up before having to return to town to sell. This ignores the question of where/how the items are stored and whether they're accessible before returning to town as those are addressed elsewhere. This is simply a question of how much junk you can pickup before going back to the magical merchants who transform junk into useable gold (yay!). I've provided examples of games that use that system for ease of reference - please divorce your love/hate of the game from the inventory system Item Accessibility This relates to the character inventories vs. stash dichotomy (i.e. some items are useable while some are not). Specifically, when should you be able to change which items you can use (for instance, moving them out of the stash as it currently stands). In respect of the "safe" area answer, I've left what that means rather nebulous, but figured it would provide some sort of middle ground between out of combat and resting (for instance, there were areas in the infinity engine games where you couldn't rest due to it being unsafe) Character/Party inventory This is simply about whether you want the useable items inventory to be per character or per party. Any non-useable area would be assumed to just be party wide (there being no point really in having a per-character stash area). Moreover, quickslots aren't considered part of inventory: I assume that each character will continue to have quickslots on their rag doll.
  12. In my opinion, this is precisely where 'immersion' should stop and 'fun' should take precedence. Running back to the town to sell looted equipment 20 times per adventuring day would greatly damage the enjoyment. I couldn't have said it better myself BlueLion. I've been playing through BG:EE recently and was in Baldur's Gate itself before I realized that I could save game edit in a bag of holding. Spending 30 days clearing out the cloakwood mines because I had to keep making trips to town to sell stuff was horrifying. And, yes, I realize that I could have left stuff there. But I don't like doing that. I play CRPGs for the story/combat/world, not to move items from 1 square to another to find an optimal packing solution. Overall, during my BG:EE playthrough I found that my adventuring day generally ended when my inventory was full, not when I was tapped on spells/health. There are obvious exceptions around some of the boss fights, but that was the general experience. And it wasn't a great one. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the game. But that element was painful. The stash in PoE is amazing. Being able to dump all the loot I just want to sell in one location and be able to sell it all easily in town is amazing. Yes, it totally lacks for realism, but I couldn't care less. It's spectacular. As for the per-character inventory vs. party inventory and number of slots debate, I honestly had no issues with inventory filling up in the beta. Maybe that would change in a full size game. I'm not sure. But either way, I don't feel very strongly about it so I'll leave it to those who do. Just leave the cache alone
  13. @aeonsim That's a pretty hilarious idea and one I imagine falls pretty smack dab into "degenerative gameplay". I doubt it will be possible, but I love that you thought of it. In respect of same/different level tables for classes, I honestly don't think it matters in a CRPG as long as the classes are roughly balanced in terms of power on a per-xp basis (that is that if it takes you twice as long to level you get twice the benefit of a level). As long as each member in your party is roughly as useful (albeit in different ways) as the others, it's fine. As an aside, I think that equivalent level tables work way better for PnP because each player is primarily concerned with their own character advancement so giving them carrots at roughly the same rate is a good thing. That doesn't really come up in a CRPG though because one player controls all characters.
  14. They seem to. I mean, the BBXs level at the same time as each other and the PC.
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