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Everything posted by Guitarguy

  1. I screwed up I mis-interpreted the first opiton I thought it was greter than 19 hours, but my first and second time were about 25-27 hours
  2. It depends on your responses to atton at the beginning of the game as to what happened in the old one. If u say revan is a lightside male u see bastila and carth but if u were darkside u only see bastila at the academy in korriban
  3. I like the single because it is way more accurate than duals if u have dualing mastered and specialization saber plus its not that much weaker and if u get master speed u do 3 hits per turn neway
  4. will I still get it if Im already level 40?
  5. Im a level 22 sith lord (level 37 total) and I still don't have force crush, how'd u get it?
  6. Hi I have a level 37 sith lord (level 15 consular) (level 22 sith lord) and I have yet to recieve force crush, I have crush opposition 5 but that seems to be different, before I level up further I was wondering if there was something I had to do in order to get force crush if so, what?
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