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Posts posted by Mellypie

  1. They were not even remotely satisfying. One because as a male Exile I didn't get to reciprocate when Visas said she loved me and I didn't really like Handmaiden. And then of course there was no Bao-dur or Mira romances. Which I would have enjoyed immensely.

  2. K:  I shall teach you no longer. Our bond remains, but that is all.


    But that's just what Kreia says and we all know what she says is iffy at best.


    Not to mention all the masters have never heard of a bond with such strength, which leads me to believe that Kreia exaggerated it's significance.

  3. Missing a few there aren't you? Like Disciple and Visas? Not to mention Kreia? Or do you mean trainable? If so your still missing Di.


    It depends on whether you mean storywise? Or combat wise? Storywise I would say Handmaiden, even though I don't like her a whole lot. Combat wise I would say Disciple or Bao-Dur. But that's just a personal opinion.

  4. I thought that drexls where the beasts the beast riders use that can fly...but the one in the castle has no wings lol



    They are, but the one in the palace in labeled "Drexl Larvae". Which means it's not full grown so it doesn't have wings yet. In other words it's the caterpillar.

  5. I always assumed the ritual was controlling the beasts on Onderon. After your team stops them, the Drexl Larve freaks out, because it's no longer under control of the Sith. Both events are happening simultaneously, you know. :blink:

  6. The one I posted above is my PC version. The Xbox version is different showing a female Exile with a Cyan double-bladed saber zapping a couple of HK's. Male exile on Onderon with Visas and Bao-dur, both the Exile and Visas have single bladed red sabers and Bao is using a blaster rifle. And then Male exile with Visas and Mandalore on Dxun and again Visas and Exile only have single red sabers. And then the same picture of Kreia holding a single green saber like on the PC box. Again nowhere do I see Kreia holding a double bladed saber or dual weilding two sabers.

  7. On the back of mine she has 2 hands but only a single-bladed lightsaber


    Ditto. I see Kreia holding a single green lightsaber and she has both hands. I see a female Exile zapping an HK-50 holding a double-bladed silver lightsaber, a male Exile on onderon dual weilding green and red sabers and another female Exile on Dxun dual weidling red sabers but nowhere do I see Kreia holding a double-bladed saber.


    The more interesting question is why is Handmaiden standing behind the female Exile on Dxun? >_<"

  8. So.....anyone gotta a guess as to why he looks familiar? any references to K1? :unsure:


    From the .tlk files, Disciple says:


    If I look familiar, it is because we have met before, at the Enclave on Dantooine, many years ago. As on Coruscant, Force Sensitive children are taken to Dantooine as well, though it is done rarely, and only with those they believe are destined to become Jedi Knights - it is the secret nature of the place. If you are not chosen by a master when you have come of age, however... then the path of the Jedi is denied you.


    I met you on Dantooine, long ago, briefly. (If Consular) You taught us the ways of the Force, how to hear it sing within others, within the life around Dantooine. (If Guardian) You taught us the ways of combat, how to hear music within the movements of a lightsaber blade. (If Sentinel) You taught us how to move within the Force, and see it flow within others. How to see it in the behaviors of others, and use that sight to achieve truth.


    It is difficult to explain the difference between you and Master Vrook, but I think it is because he was knowledgeable, but not a leader, not a mentor. You were different - we could all feel it.


    {A little quiet, baring his soul} And I knew that if I were to have a Master, I would want it to be you. And then you went to war. Many Jedi went to war, and the Jedi Masters proclaimed that you were Jedi no longer. Atris, the mistress of the archives, was first among them. I knew at that moment, that if you would no longer be a Jedi, then you must be correct. I realized I did not want to be a Jedi - instead, I wished to follow your path.


    There's your answer.

  9. Wow. I voted in this thread but never said who I voted for...oh well.


    Anyone who knows me from the BioWare site shouldn't be too surprised to learn that I voted for Bao-Dur. His smooth calming voice and the fact that he's the only truly sane person on the Hawk were big points in his favor. Not to mention I seem to have something for men who, literally, have horns (**coughValencough**). :thumbsup:


    My first playthrough I took Bao with me everywhere (eh, who am I kidding I still do that :shifty: ) and I kept telling everyone I'm not a Jedi anymore, I'm not a Jedi until I said it him and he responded with the line that's in my sig. It made me stop and think that he's right. A title does not make a Jedi. Atris still called herself a Jedi, but it was obvious that she was leaning more towards the DS and the Sith. My Exile still behaved like a Jedi even if she no longer carried the title. Same with being a General, she still slipped in to General mode occasionally which is probably part of the reason Bao constantly calls her "General".

  10. But that would kill him, so it didn't make sense to me why Exile was trying to convince Sion to find a new lease on life and a new strength and purpose in life using a method that would kill him.


    Actually, it does in a way. One of the dialog options after you beat him down for the last time indicates that: "What kind of life have you lived with the Force flowing through you? Was it worth living?" to which he responds "It was not. No matter how many I killed... there was no end to the pain... the blades the Force tore through my flesh. Kreia, she will try to break you, to teach you how far someone can fall. Her weakness... is you. {Beat} As you were mine. I am glad to leave this place... at last."


    "I am glad to leave this place at last" I believe when he says "this place" is refering to life. And I think the Exile knew that, which is why s/he tries to convince him to let go of the Force.

  11. The broken droids may have been cleanup/fixing/scanning crew from the Harbinger.


    As for Atton I found something else that puts a dent in the "Atton there for the Exile" theory. When asking Atton in that first conversation you have with him, while he's still in the force cage, what's been going on at the station, Atton says: " You mean before or after that Jedi showed up?" Which shows Atton was on Peragus before the Exile showed up.

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