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Posts posted by Mellypie

  1. Also there will be those whom favor Carth/Revan romance moreso than The Revan/Bastila Romance.


    That would be me. :D I'm sorry I do not, repeat do not like the Bastila romance. I like Bastila but not the romance. I mean male Revan either has to act like a complete jerk or, if you don't choose the "flirt" lines, then it feels like your not romancing her at all, and then of course it feels like her "love confession" comes completely out of the blue. The Revan/Bastila romance just makes my feminist heart cringe. ;) (This is merely MY opinion so don't take offense Bastila/Revan lovers. :huh: )


    I've said it before and I will continue to say it: who cares? Revan is Revan is Revan. And no amount of LucasArts (or other players for that matter) trying to shove their vision of a customizable character down people throats is going to change how others play or view said customizable character.


    And IMNSHO I believe that LucasArts declaring Revan canon at all is a slap in the face to all the hard work that BioWare put into making Revan's gender ambiguous. And same goes for the Exile and Obsidian.

  2. I've observed that Juhani does get stuck with the "whiner" label quite often. Bastila usually gets the "preachy" label (and rightly so :blink: ). And I would put the "whiner" label on Mission and Atton more that I would Carth, but maybe that's just me.

  3. I side with the Ithorians, because they are there to help Telos not line their pockets. I help Khoonda because I liked Zherron. That and I don't like proving Vrook right, I like seeing him wrong, wrong, wrong about my character. I help Talia because General Vaklu was allied with the Sith. And not just any Sith, Nihilus, can you say midnight snack to Onderon? :p That and he fired on my ship. Like I'm going to help him after that. Idiot.

  4. As a man comfortable with his sexuality, it's because Bao is one sexy alien. Look at those abs.


    Indeed. :D But also because he has a sweet personality, he's more compatible with my Exile than Atton and/or Disciple and well... he has horns. :) I have a thing for men with horns (**coughValencough**). :)

  5. The only difference between humans and Zabraks are that Zabraks have horns and have developed mental blocks because of the harsh environment of Iridonia.


    I would assume that they are not genetically compatible, and actually I prefer it that way. :(

  6. What are you talking about?  You have to side with one or the other in the main quest to get to the planet's surface.  You can go back to citidel station but you cant go back to the surface.  There is no way to complete the quest after the main quest.


    Sorry, the main quest on Citadel Station. Side with the Ithorians, finish the quests they give you, until they're willing to let you use the shuttle. But before you leave for the Restoration zone get and complete the bounty quests (except the Escaped Criminals of course) from Grenn (don't even talk to him at all before this). Also don't go into the Czerka office until you have to go in there as B4-D4.


    For some unknown reason this allows the criminals to show up instead of the regular mercs. **shrug**

  7. You can only find the escaped criminals if you side with czerka.  Jana Lorso will agree to send you to their location.  Otherwise, the escaped criminals will be ordinary mercanaries.


    Not necessarily, you can find them if you side with the ithorians as long as you don't get the quest until you've completed the main quest. :)

  8. I had this problem once. I think it's a bug that triggers if you have your companions with you and then fight the Handmaidens. If you have a save before you freed your companions then just reload and fight the Handmaidens and then pick up the rest of your gang. You should be okay. ;)

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