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Everything posted by LordRaven

  1. How do you make yours and how did you make that sig pic?
  2. Are you on Nar Shadda? What I did was get into the fight with the Watto looking guy. Then went and got the componets needed to make my light saber. When I came back to the ebon hawk to construct it there were a bunch of slavers I had to fight and then I found visas who attacked me right away with no provocation. I beat her and then got her.
  3. Forget it I did not realize this topic has already been covered
  4. Which ending do you like best LS or DS?
  5. When I did this part I sent Atton,Handmaiden,Bao Dur to the Tomb and all three of them where Dark Jedi so It was extremly easy. If I were you I would go back to a way early save right after you get your light saber and spend a lot of time with these Charecters to build your influnce and then offer to train them in the force. By the time you get back to that part you will Have three bad ass Jedi to Take the tomb and it should be much easier
  6. It is just really odd I have played through the game three times One LS and Two DS and have never even expirienced a minor bug. The worst that happens is a little slow down when there are a bunch of lightsabers on screen.
  7. He's a droid anyway. There is nothing to save. Droids are not good or evil. They ust execute programs.
  8. Yeah he is in the jedi enclave sub level
  9. With all the bad acting that was going on in the new movies it is hard to tell what everyone is trying to do. Like the part where Anakin tells Padme about all the sand people he slaughters it seems more like he is slipping to the whiny side of the force and not the dark side.
  10. No need to feel stupid it is an easy mistake to make. That first level has you running around in circles so much that it's easy to overlook a corridor that you may have gone down earlier and found nothing of intrest. Remember that through the game though there are lots of times where you will need to back track to areass you have already elxplored to get through the level.
  11. You just need to go up the ramp to the right of the control blister to get on to the harbringer you use the fule line to exit
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