- De-emphasize melee combat, except for Jedi. It's kind of silly seeing a character run straight into blaster fire to hack his opponent with a sword in the Star Wars universe. And now that training of NPC's as Jedi has been introduced, you pretty much have to focus on melee feats from the get-go, for almost everyone. There should be a SEVERE penatly for charging toward rangied apponents. Basically, I'd like to see more blaster fire and fewer non-lightsaber melee duels.
- More missions where you split into two concurrent parties. I would have preferred the final hours of K2 to be structured around this, rather than the Onderon mission, which was seemingly pointless. Just any excuse to use as many party members as possible would be good. It gives other people the chance to play hero, instead of the "Usuaual suspects" that you might normally take with you.
- A more flexible party limit. I realize that 3 is a good number that forces balance by making you choose between skilled characters and combat characters, but there should be special occasions during play when more are allowed. Maybe even divide them up into two squads that you can send off in different directions, as a looser version of the above suggestion.
- Ditch the Skill system and replace it with something more along the lines of feats and force powers. Hell, you could probably move several of the Feats over into the Skills section as it is. And it would give more diversity among the party if there weren't any designated "experts" at any one craft and you were forced to be more specific and complimentary in your party-building/selection.