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Posts posted by PhantomJedi

  1. Is it just me or have i been noticing problems and bugs in the forum. Topics will be posted multiple times and sometimes when I try to post it doesn't show up.


    Is this forshadowing to the forums closure? Have they already made up their minds and are just hoping we'll leave if the forums become to buggy?

  2. Sorry for the triple post. I think the forum doesn't like me very much.


    Allow me to expand on my origional point. A good rpg has good dialog, game play, and character interaction. However, a great one expands upon these core concepts and goes even deeper in to the world untill it reaches the point in which you feel as if you are in and a part of the world. A picture is worth a thousand words and an image can last for ever. And sometimes art needs to imitate life. And that is why I believe a rpg can do a better job of telling a story and achieveing that deepness that we all look for in rpgs with better graphics. o:)




    Also, I am not ignorant; I do understand why rps don't have the same graphical "wow" as a modern fps. After all, that is just my opinion.

  3. I was thinking (its dagerous, I know) if there is a kotor 3 for the xbox it probly will be on the next gen console. This brings me to the questions I want to ask. Has anybody heard if they still are trying to release it by this coming christmas and what are the spects on the new xbox? I heard they were using modified G5's to make launch titles. Ironic isn't it.


    please answer


    Havent heard a peep other then some recent Xboxs being recalled do to faulty wireing in the controllers.


    I disagree tho. IF (big if) KotOR3 is in the works it should be for the current XBox. If for no other reason, mass appeal and financial repercussions.


    Not everyone is going to buy XBOX 2 immediately and if there is a KotOR3 in the works it should probably release sometime in the early next year. Thats not enough time for folks to upgrade after release of XBox 2.


    Course they could release it as a special title for the XBox 2 release. Probably would get people to Upgrade to a XBox 2 faster. Just have to see!


    Personally I would like Part 3 to release on current XBox's tho!


    The time frame you just gave is what obsidian used this time and the game came out incomplete and didn't achieve the greatness of the first. For a game like kotor series I think it should be in devlopment for at least 2 years. Next gen consoles are due out in 1 year earliest, to 3 years, latest. So the question is why not go to the next gen consoles for the third instalment. Also even if not everyone has "upgraded" to the next gen xbox it doesn't mean that the game won't be successful. Look at Halo. It came out early in the Xbox life cycle and is very popular. Also Kotor has a edge when it comes to jumping to the next gen console. It has a popular following in the game community, so even if it doesn't break sales records the first weekend it comes out it can depend on fans to buy it when they do upgrade.


    That is what I think anyway.

  4. I was thinking (its dagerous, I know) if there is a kotor 3 for the xbox it probly will be on the next gen console. This brings me to the questions I want to ask. Has anybody heard if they still are trying to release it by this coming christmas and what are the spects on the new xbox? I heard they were using modified G5's to make launch titles. Ironic isn't it.


    please answer

  5. First I would like to point out the fact that I consider dialog a cut scene.


    For the most part the cut scenes were good with a few exceptions. I speak of the getting shot down sequence over Telos where it is split in to five shots that don't flow from one to another. Also the good ones were on the short side which made them feel choppy.


    Watching the dialog was... how do I say it.... boring. There where times I had to read something because I had missed it and nodded off. It was forgivable in KOTOR but something needed to be done about it in the sequel. Also when they do engage in some action it most time makes no sence and it makes them look like idiots when they have soemthing in their hands. Facial expressions and movment need to be add to compliment the excellent voice acting.


    The back grounds need to be fixed. When after wathcing them for a few seconds and being able to tell what is going to happen next is a little sad. It really is a downer when you consider how good things could have looked when they had things like space battles to work with.


    Lastly the animations. The fighting was great but when I kill someone and they get back up to fall down again is a little stoopid. Also you do look retarded when you use force crush and instead of the pulsing electric energy coming from your hand it comes from you elbow.


    Please post responses

  6. :ph34r:

    The idea of having to building your own light saber was a fairly good idea in my mind. But it was done all wrong. You found the parts in mundane places and it gave signifigance to the fact you found them. You really didn't have to do anything special to get them. Also when you had it constucted no importance was given to it. Before the game came out it was sort of set up, in my mind at least, that building/finding your light saber was going to be a big part of the game.



    Just my 2 cents.

    make it 3.

  7. I am assuming since, if it does come out, KOTOR III won't be out in the next year that they are going to develop it on the second generation Xbox. I hear it is uber powerful. :D :( (more powerful than my current PC)


    *computer shakes in terror* :devil:


    1. keeping the same game engine for one sequal I can forgive and let slide but for the third instalment on a new console i can't forgive. They need a new game engine. I wouldn't mind seeing something that is close to maybe Halo2 or Half Life 2 but that might be a strech for the game. But it still stands. NEW ENGINE FOR NEW GAME.


    2. Things that need to be brought over from the first 2 games: item and component creationg, the new moding system was awsome, influence system (tweaked of course), the learning of force powers; light saber forms; and feats, and the spliting in to two parties.


    3. Improvments: Since we are going to have this on the uber powerful Xbox 2 there should be no place we can't go. Every time I came to a door that I couldn't open or target i became very mad and felt I was being limited and the game lost standing in my eyes. The worlds need to be more ambient. Come on guys there needs to be day and night. Drop an option in dialog when you have already exhausted it. There need to be more elaborate cut scenes. For example when I flew on the the Planet Telos itself I found that the cut scenes left something to be desired as well as the Dantooine seige scenes. More use of the learning of force powers; light saber forms; and feats, and the spliting in to two parties. It made the game more immersive. Also I would like to see a place to pick your chacters species. maybe we are tired of playing as a human.and Finally MAKE SURE THE GAME IS COMPLETE AND PUT IT THROUGH THE PRE-RELEASE TESTING.


  8. My idea for a good begining:


    The jedi order has been some how rebuilt (leave it up to the devs to figure out how). You begin by choosing a species as well as male or female and a class. The game puts you on an enclave somewhere or even courasant. You go through training and what not. One of your compainions is your master/mentor. (kinda like Kreia). You can base the story from there. It kinda breaks the trapped somewhere for certain reasons and is open enough to allow limitless possibilites.


    I know this would only work if they have a new character and some of you are against it but I still think it is a good idea.

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